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  • *Never gonna glomp you up, never gonna glomp you down, never gonna glomp around and desert you♪* (Well, you know what I mean XD)
    Either that or the only thing that CAN top it is impossible to create... either way, *glomp* :D
    And having an HTML slave... I really don't like having HM slaves. I think it's a waste of a party space. I never really have them; I just switch 'em out. But like, I want my WHOLE team to fight Red, not five, six. Now I'll have to like... have an HM slave. The only useful HMs are like... Surf and Fly and everything else I really think they need to get rid of that whole undeletable thing. Or make it easier to replace a move you lost to an HM.

    They just wanted an excuse to prove that Rock Climb actually has a place in this game. It doesn't. You barely even need to use it.
    coolness iz be in 6th 2! =3
    EDIT: even thuogh meh profile says im 13, im not im 11 xD
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