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  • =3 Crystal Kay is pa-retty awesome too <3

    And yes, she does :3 She pretty much grew up in New York City, so yeah X3

    *mega super awesome total sister glompification of infinite glomity dimension power*
    =D < My face through that entire comment <3

    Also, Utada Hikaru is a J-Pop singer, although she's also fluent in English. She's rather hard to squeeze into a single genre when you get right down into it, though. She sings all of the Kingdom Hearts themes.

    Here are a few of her songs! (Sorry that some videos are AMVs, and subtitles are given wherever possible but it ain't always possible 00;)
    English songs:
    Simple and Clean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkS4AVfIxyo
    Sanctuary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbnD7sVCBOE

    Japanese songs:
    Be My Last (live): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r33xp3Enns
    Kairo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F-PVeW-iTE

    ^w^ *mega-infinity-sister-glompage*
    Nope X3 Adore his music, think he was a genius, but that title goes to both Utada Hikaru and Lady Gaga XD And I prefer dark chocolate (or regular chocolate), but vanilla is still lovely :3

    *sisterly-glomps back <3*
    <3 <3 <3 Aww <3 <3 <3 I dunno... I doubt there's much, though, and what there may be would likely be things of little substance, like the best flavor of ice cream or our favorite singers :3
    <3 Aww <3 Yeah, I think so too actually ;w; (I think the dynamic of the relationship matters more than age as far as the little/big sister thing goes... I think you're the big sister honestly <3)
    I... thank you. You're very welcome <3 *glomp* I love you too, you're amazing and awesome and <3 (And to be honest... I have my own little odd idiosyncrasy like that... I've had self-destructive habits since ~March 2007, usually brought on when I've upset someone, and I felt particularly useless today... so that really just made my day right there <3 *glomp*)
    Aw, glad I could help! Don't cry, though :< *hands you tissues*

    I don't really know what to say, but it's good you got that out :3 And if that's something that bugs you, then it just does. It's not stupid or childish to have an idiosyncrasy. Everyone does. The important thing is that you realize that it's not something to really worry about. I highly, highly doubt that anyone on here thinks you're mean or stupid. Just because you make a mistake doesn't mean that you're a horrible person; it just means that you're a person at all. The people who point your mistakes out to you aren't trying to paint you as a bad person; they're either trying to help you be a slightly better person, or trying to paint themselves as smarter (and the second category are, quite frankly, slightly jerkish for doing that, so it's not even your fault). Of course, this is coming from someone who believes that everyone is kind, so...

    And, at the same time, if you have an odd idiosyncrasy/neurosis like this, you aren't just going to get over it immediately. It's gonna take time. But recognizing your problems is the first step to fixing them. In the mean time, figure out a way to help you to feel better when it happens. Maybe choose a specific, happy song to listen to when you feel like this. Maybe sketch or look at something so cute that you can't help but grin. Maybe just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and promise yourself you'll do better next time. But most of all, don't beat yourself up over it, okay? *glomp*
    Yes you will ^w^

    *glomp* What's wrong? I hope I can cheer you up D: You are an awesome, kind, caring person, and even though I've never seen you I just know that you're beautiful and and and :< BE HAPPEH!
    I wanna glomp the very best, like no glomp ever was! Duh duh duh duh! To glomp them is my real test, to glomp them is my cause! I will glomp, across the land, glomping far and wide! Each glompaglomp to understand, the power that is glomp! GLOMPAGLOMP! Gotta glomp 'em all. It's you and me- I know it's our destiny! Glompaglomp! Oh, you're my best friend, in a world that we must glomp! Glompaglomp! Oh, a glomp so true! Our glomping will pull us through! You glomp me and I glomp you! Glompaglomp! Gotta glomp 'em all, gotta glomp 'em all, glompaglomp!
    It doesn't matter, I couldn't beat you before so I guess we'z eben! *glompzezedezed*
    i still can't believe i kidnapped an eleven-year-old.

    ... you were kidding about not being housebroken, right?
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