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  • [talking style=sarcasm]Well, for some strange reason, I think you might have said that you liked Michael Jackson. (Wonder why I thought that?) [/sarcasm]

    So, I found you this. Enjoy ~<3

    Also, I like your new avatar. Better than the Articuno, in my opinion.

    Oh yes. I got 'Etts coming out of my nose! I AM an 'Ett, gasp. It's like oodles of noodles, except... with 'Etts. Ah, I just know... I'm a Psychic sage Lett. All... creepy and psycho. ...EEEEE BLOODY MOON CHEETAH FANGS OKAY I MEAN IT NOT A PEDOLETT!

    I will on Tuesday! That's when I have my psychotic appointment. But I won't see a Mooncheetah. Someday, I shall strike fear into people's hearts with her... on our SITCOM AS WE MOONTALK OUT THE WINDURRRRR. Oh yes, it'll be explosively epic.

    YAY! ;;Chruggles;; ...I invented a new form of hugging.


    Oh! You sound like me in real life, aha. I don't like makeup either. And I hate high heels. Boy's shoes are seriously awesome, they make those more comfortable. But I do dress girly, I guess. BUT! Not typically girly. I don't go around shoving navel or wearing slutty miniskirts or anything. I look more like a girly hippie who covers up a whole lot, ahaha. I go to the mall though! ...To Gamestop in the mall. Whenever I go to the mall, I go straight there. Ahaha, I worry about my stupid floof too. I used to try to straighten it. It and I would get into a battle of wills and I'd burn my ears! Eventually, I gave in and it won. And you and :D are quite the happy couple! I'm happy for you. :D ...Oh no. IT'S STARTING! :D is becoming my FRIEND WITH BENEFITS! AHAAHARARARA! AHAHAAAA! :D

    (...You've overwhelmed me again. God, that in and of itself needs a trophy award other than the OS Awards. You got Improbably Laughing SKILLZ, man.) Oh whooaaa~ Yeah, yeah, we all need to live like Michael Jackson's Musicish Spirit World and be all happy with the floowww~ Peace, happiness, raaainbows, totally maan~

    A werewolf and an angellic thing! :3 But please don't bite off my wings when you transform. >: It would hurt muchly of a Lett.

    ...I misread that for a moment as "ate my cousin." Stupid eeeyeesss, Mooncheetah isn't a maneater! But that sounds fun! Sad though that your mom's cousin couldn't come over.

    Ha ha! Your work ethic almost rivals mine! But I'll tell you a funny story to inspire you. A Lett had a big project once... a BIG one. And she had months and months to do it. Know when she started it? 11 PM... the day before. Know when she finished it? 4 AM. If I could pull THAT off, then you can pull yours off, ahahaa. I'm the World's Most Chronic Procrastinator! I feel your pain, get off-track. BUT YOU CAN HAVE AN MJ CERBERUS! ONLY IF YOU MAKE HIM ANGRY ENOUGH!
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