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  • ;;Hugs MJ doll and drools on it;; Oh! I'm sorry... it's a gland problem.

    Yes, but he has elaborate psychological sock-stealing shoe-stealing issues BECAUSE nobody loves him so he uses the stealing as a surrogate for love!

    Told you! I'm so lazy that I somehow exert more effort in the process. Irony is always fun. BOW TO MY LAZY FEETS BWAHAHAHAHRLALALALAAAA! I AM THE QUEEN HOST OF ALL OF THE OSCARS AND EVERYTHING LAZY AND PROCRASTINATEY WHO MAKES MOONCHEETAH LAUGH! (...Maybe? ;;Hides;;)

    D'aww and I make lovings of you too, darlin' Moonlett Sista. Flmfngignging, flmfngignging, flmfngignging! I typed all that out, seriously, I did not copypaste it just now.

    ...Oh, that sounds VERY creepy. I doubt I could sleep at your place with his spirit singing Thriller all over the place and telling me to Beat It because Billie Jean's kid is not his son. Actually, that sounds kinda cool! Does he do ghostly performances in your room often?

    Well, I graduated from high school and am taking a year off before I go to college due to... issues that I must resolve before I can be ready to go. But yes! 'Tis true, my TCoD friends are the ones who make me wanna wake up from my constant sleepiness. (And my mom's constant nagging)


    Quite. Awesomenocity is a particular taste.
    Well, in a matter of speaking, I have been enjoying the forums. People are slightly weirder than I expected, but that's no problem. I've also managed to shove out a chapter of fanfiction, which is definitely a good omen.
    Can I have a hug at it?

    I guess you don't like poor Nutto Franciso... >: He's sad and lonely.

    It's... drooly and cute? It's cute and somehow has lots of drool!

    YES, I HAVE! I'm SERIOUS! I'm THAT crazy that I retype long words again and again, I'm so lazy that my laziness to copypaste actually causes me to exert more effort! Told you I was the Queen of Laziness. Ha ha, I made a Mooncheetah laugh with my ridiculously lazy and ironic antics! WHOOO! (Mooncheetahs don't eat dogwomen/armadillos, do they?)

    Flmfngignging, I typed that out AGAIN! I'm such a loser.

    ...I like the MJ, but maybe not THAT much. That'd be a bit creepy, I don't think I could live. Oh, but you're not much lazier or sleepier than the Queen of Laziness and Procrastination! I don't go to school OR have a job so I can pretty much be lazy ALL the time and sleep ALL the time if I wanted to! BWAHAHAHAR!

    ...We are true Moonlett Sistas then. It is mutual! I haven't seen a picture of you though... I am curious! You've been stalking about that thread and staring upon my horrendous Lettish visage.

    It tasted like... awesomenocity.
    Has your Moonwalka Jacksongasm passed then? Is it cured?

    ...Oh darn. I forgot to mention he likes to use socks as garnishes...

    REALLY?! BUT WHAT ABOUT WHEN THEY BURN YOU WITH THEIR FIYAH?! I don't think THAT'S very adorable! Gasp, droolishly cute! Another one of my many titles... I quite like that one. Wait... we're supposed to be copypasting that?! This whole time I've been typing FLMFNGIGNGING OVER AND OVER AGAIN! You're a... gasp... a CHEATA! (...Cheetah? Oh no... Mooncheetahs.)

    ...You'd want to be me? Oh dear. It'd be fun to be you, all HAPPY AND PEPPY! If you were me though, you'd just want to sleep all the time and be lazy! ...Wait, you share my CURLY FLOOF HAIR TOO?! You really ARE a Moonlett Sista! And neither do I! It's so ugly and floofles, I bet you look better with yours than I do with mine.

    LETTLOVEHEARTATTACK! ;;Gives you a giant smothering floofhug whilst installing some Lollipop Rainbows on your lawn;; Is that enough?

    Oh, so you could meet that hobo guy then when you're not wearing those pretty shoes! You wouldn't care if he stole any other shoes, would you?

    Would it really? I never thought of myself as cute! And neither did those math boys with their... strange hair fetishes. Maybe only when I'm an Armadillolett! But most of the time, I'm an Indiscernible Dog Woman With Flashing FIYAH. And that, most certainly, is not cute! When I'm sleeping and not all curled up into an Armadillolett ball, it's more drooly than cute! No giggling or awesome flmfngignging there. >:

    ...But I thought you were the one who was always happy and peppy! I'm the one who's uh... always lazy and procrastinatey, remember? WHY YES THOUGH, MY FLOOF IS VERY FLOOFY IT IS LIKE A CRAZY MESS. ...Oooh. I need to get me some of that hypoallergenic stuff.
    ...I think you had a Moonwalka Jacksongasm. Ah, it's fairly common in happy peppy girls such as yourself! I know just the treatment to it too! Rainbows, lollipops, and loooove.

    Well, it depends on if you're fond of your shoes. And how fond you are of them.

    Ah! Like me most of the time. He should've just slept. I sleep all the time! I curl up and sleep when I'm an Armadillolett. Oh, so much flimfngignging! It's gone to your head indeed! But in an awesome and giggly way. Hey, you put me down! Armadilloletts are not cute, they are dangerous! RAAAAAGAH! FEAR MY FLOOF! ...What variety of awesomesauce? Hopefully not the spicy kind... I have allergies...
    asterisk glomp asterisk heart

    like, yes, like, totally, like, I know in like, my soul or something that, like, I can help you or something. You know?
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