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  • Okay. :) Kirby's Epic Yarn is two days after my birthday, so waiting two days is what I'm going to have to do anyways.
    ;;Hands them ALL over;; I love your abnormally large everything too! You should get an abnormally large trophy for having the most abnormally large objects. (It's a good thing I'm not actually speaking with my voice or I'd be stuttering like hell on that right now, ahaha.) EXTREME TROPHY.

    ...Whoa. Flmfngignging. How do you even pronounce that? Neither are any of my words really!

    There's a reason I'm the Queen! I'm not just the Queen of Arylettopia... I'm the Queen of Annoyance. I have +5 in Annoyance and that makes it hard to mess with me. I think we'd both sort of giggle at each other rather than annoy each other out of jumping out of a window. Confused faces tend to be the most amusing in the expression family. Hiding the remote? Bwahaha, nice one. Same with my family! It's like a dramatic soap opera.
    Nah, but it'd be good to get them all in as soon as possible. I think I've got over half done now.
    ...Once again, you have outgangstaed me. You seriously need that trophy like five times over. You need like five garillion trophies of GANGSTA AWESOMENESS 'cause I just giggled at that so hard. You epinate to the extreme. To the. EXTREME!

    Oh! Why don't you try making up some? It's easy! Friffin' flargle mankles jarlinkin' that penkface who pippinates glangingly!

    Messing with people MY age? Oh, I doubt you could pull the mess on me, ahaha, I'm so nuts that I'm not an easy one to mess afronk with. I'd probably join you and then we'd mess with each other. It IS fun though, bwarhururur. You must try it on your mom though, and tell me what happens. If she says: "Ashley, what the hell?" I can just imagine the amusing expression she must give when she says that. Oh, my mom too! My whole family thinks I ain't quite right.
    Yep. Black Forest Gateau is the actual cake referenced to in Portal.

    Ooh, I like it very much! Is it going to be Cthulu or . . . AWESOME IDEA! A while ago, me and Crazy Linoone did a [Collaberation Group Pic], which involved a massive Salamander. If you include that in the drawing, you'll get awesome points from me.
    Mmm . . . Black Forest Gateau . . . ~

    Fair enough. People are allowed to get mad sometimes. How're you doing on the memepic?
    My my, the "always, happy, peppy girl" getting in a rage over at the coughing cupboard. Who would have guessed?

    I've made up several millions of words... I do it like all the time that totally aren't in the dictionary and are nuts! Like rampskan, which means a "prostitute with a vegetable hat." Yes... still bizarre.

    Oh, she just gets more exasperated. She's like 23 or something and she sometimes gets annoyed and is all STOP but mostly she's so used to it that she sighs and sort of looks like she's half-annoyed, half-amused. Oh, I do plenty of crazy stuff to her. I also speak of her and her boyfriend as if they're in an RPG, and tell her that she's only at level 16 and fails. Oh and there was the one time when she was trying to find the remote and I said: "Cast a spell to find it. Oh wait... you're only at level 16... a newb like you totally wouldn't know that spell." I'm nutso, yes. She totally says I'm immature and don't act like I'm 18, ahaha.

    ;;Blush;; You're too modest! You're the one who totally needs awesome awards.

    YAAAAY! FIYAAAAH BURN ARYLETT BUUURN! I iz very happy, Mein Deary.
    He should also scream "HOUR OF THE BEAST BITCH" as he bonks them repeatedly with the text book. I really don't know where I come up with these... very screwy things of mine. I am quite bizarre, as bizarre as those guys with the odd man-eating hair fetishes apparently... hmm... well, I'll show them that it's not a turn on! I will then use my hair to DEVOUR THEM, and not in the kinky way, bwahahahahhaahaa! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

    Well, it's related to... when the shingshangbingbang is being hosted. I really don't know why I called it such a really long word that makes no sense, but yeah! It should be fun~

    You're too kind, darling! If I was your sister, I'd probably shout RAMPSKAN at you and then go around dancing and singing about how you live under the sea and your boyfriend is a fishboy mermaid and screaming RELATIONS whenever you and him make out. That's what I do to my actual sister. In real life. Seriously, I do that.

    N'awwww. You're too kind.

    If you really loved me though, you wouldn't try to put out my flames. It makes me sad. No FIRE AWAY! I like burning! >:
    Give them all the hell in the world! Tell your dad to beat them up with a calculator for added irony and a giant calculus text book with 666 on the front. He also should totally wear a demon costume as he beats them up. Man, boys are weird though! Man eating hair, a turn on...

    The theme is OS Group Pictures! But there's a little more to this theme... ahahahrahrhar... you'll find out soon enough. I can't tell you 'cause it's a surprise! Actually an obvious surprise, but still!

    ...I must do this. I WILL do this awesomeness, in fact, I'll add it to that insane picture of you I need to draw. You're gonna be holding up the trophy. :3

    I love you. You make me giggle so hard, ahaha.
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