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  • ^w^~ *glomps back*

    I've been pretty good I guess! I have this horrid case of artists block, but otherwise it's all good~!
    Well, It didn't work with Kirikizan. Said that it was reduced to it's smallest size, yet it was still too large. HOWEVER, I found one I liked, and it worked! (as you can see.)

    Also, link time-

    Thanks For The Memories by Fall Out Boy. (that video kind of starts off funny, ehat with the monkey and all.....)

    This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race By Fall Out Boy

    Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy

    Sugar, We're goin' Down by fall out boy.

    I Don't Care by... well, you know by now.

    and my favorite one of theirs, What a Catch, Donnie..

    (Yes, I know the videos are all ridiculous. If you want good videos, search Ok Go on Youtube.)
    That's a lot of links. Thanks for the help!

    EDIT: thought you might like this (possibly, if you like Micheal Jackson)
    Beat It by Michael Jackson (Covered by Fall Out Boy)
    ...I thought it was you who hadn't talked to me? *checks conversation*

    Okay, your sister is just a silly dumbo head Dx Sorry~

    So how have you been lately :3?
    Thanks. I'll try that, and if it doesn't work, I'll keep my current one.

    (The band would be called Fall Out Boy. If you've haven't heard them, I'll link you a song of theirs that is occasionally played on the radio. I'd do it now, but I'm using my phone.)

    On a completely different note, I started writing a fanfic, and it's in the writing thread. I'm open to suggestions, and I should have the second chapter up sometime tommorow night.
    Well, the one I wanted (Kirikizan) was apparently to big to use as an avatar. I'll just keep my current one for now. (It's a CD cover of my favorite band.)

    (and make sure Mewtwo doesn't read my previous VM, kay?)
    Well, if you're still interested in Threadminning the OS, you need to show a little more activity there, eh?

    Oooh, I'm interested. Can I get a preview?
    XD Thanks~
    The full drawing's on [dA], though I posted a link to it in the OS a little while back, did you miss it?
    I've had to check some walkthroughs from time to time when playing the games but it doesn't really detract from the charm :D

    Yes it is :U It's sort of like a mystery novel thing meets DS (you hold the DS sideways) and the characters are amazing, especially Kyle, the main character <3
    A lot of talking and mystery-solving just like in the AA games but just a tad grittier and darker plus it does have some foul-er language. Awesome nonetheless, it's a wonderful experience and the art style and animations are awesome (link to trailer [the gameplay clips there are in japanese but of course there is an English version of the game derp]) O:
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