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  • I should be free all this week. I check here on my mobile too, so I should catch you online eventually.

    Oh yeah, I added your friend code. Could you add me back?
    True, true. In fact, most people probably have a Charmander because of the fact that it has two Megas. :-I

    Sorry I took so long.
    That's okay! It's not a problem at all (probably better on your side, it would have taken me forever to actually breed a Chlorophyll Bulbasaur).

    Now what to do with all these Bulbasaurs...
    Not yet. :-/. Still breeding, I've gotten nothing but Overgrow. I'll keep trying.
    Oh, okay. I'll keep breeding, then. I've hatched probably ten, so that's not a whole lot. Hopefully I'll come across one eventually.
    I just discovered that you can't breed HA Pokémon with a regular Ability mother and an HA father, so I'll only have the Larvesta. I'm sorry. .-.

    Sure, I'll register your brother right away!
    I won't be ready until tomorrow, sorry. I had to babysit today.

    Anything will be fine, thanks.
    Sorry for the late reply :( I fell asleep, I'm sorry :(

    But I'm fine, don't worry about me :) I'll be okay :)
    I'll have to see. This weekend is moderately busy since I didn't write anything today and I gotta catch up tomorrow (dang NaNoWriMo), but I'm fairly certain I'm free next week. :O
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