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  • No problem :3 And recolors are relatively fast for me. I can get them done in a couple of minutes.
    Good. And I just finished the sprite.
    Creepy, creepy, *insert random rhyming here*!

    *Cool shades*
    This will deem to be interesting.
    So I haerd you liek treez and Saiyan princez

    Creepy is fun to work with, though, if I do say so myself. Rainn is a good character to freak out, actually, so it will all be good fun.
    Oh, and just for the heck of it... What were the sagas before GT?
    Indeed. I got this table... when I joined. It is made of... umm... wood from the... Tree of... Might! That's what I was going to say. I found the Tree of Might and cut it down. Tee hee. ^~^

    And hey! Tarble is a good guy, too. Almost like... Hmm...
    ... I can't think of something to compare him with. D: I guess that means he makes a good enough impression to not need someone to compare to.
    Nah, don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll get it fixed in the next week or two.

    Nice to know that things are looking up on your side of the table, though. :3
    Hello. *Waves*
    I'm... kind of frustrated. Nothing too drastic I'm fed up with, but meh.

    How about you?
    I'll try not to type as fast and be on as much, if that's what you mean.
    If you watched Hetalia, we could all rp together...
    I'm not going to force you, though.
    Sorry. Things tend to slip my mind sometimes.
    But I do like the narrative. :D Very... narrative-like.
    *Pictures an announcer with an awesomely dramatic voice reciting it*
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