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  • Sure, how bout an Absol. It was a toss-up between that and Darkrai.
    Oh, and while it's on my mind.

    When you said Vegeta likes her, did you mean like-likes her? Or just likes her?
    ... Or he just doesn't hate her? I found myself a bit perplexed after a while.
    I must admit; Rainn's nature towards others is troublesome, especially when you got someone like Bakura. Makes it ten times worse when she's in love with him, because she'll willingly take any insult from her friends. She doesn't really fight back with words as much, per se, but if she's ever truly angry (a good example is when Trunks ticked her off that once and she called him a bastard and such), that's different.
    After trying many approaches on her character, I came to find that she puts others before herself, making her consider herself lower then everyone else. Therefore, because of this, she's fearful of fighting back as much, and is afraid of the judgmental glances and sneers she might receive from her peers.
    And, while I'm on a rant about Rainn Zas'parsus, she's a thingymajig called a Souruītā. Basically it's an ancient race dating back to the beginning of time that possess, repossess and bounce from body to body for reasons unknown. Rainn's reason of changing bodies was because of rejection and hatred, and for some strange reason, all the memories they have in a specific body are erased once reverting back to their normal forme, which I have yet to show you in DQ.

    There, done ranting.
    You always have to have an asshole, Richie. Bakura's the one in this universe.
    But, if you insist, I gave you an opportune moment just now. He's gone... for now.
    Oh noes! D: I'll try and PM you first.

    In other news, I saw a person on Dragon Cave forums and her(?) usertitle is 'It's not over until the fish jumps'. Seriously.
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