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  • You said in the Soupfish's Adoptables thread that you can get items to speed up the growth, can I open up a shop selling them?

    EDIT: Monkfish.
    Future Trunks is my favorite character. I also like Teen Gohan, Vegeta, Tapion, Baby, Kid Buu, The list could go on, but Future Trunks is by far my number one. He is a good swordfighter and knows some powerful attacks.
    Oh, hello there. Yes, to answer your question, I love Dragonball. Its my #1 favorite action anime of all time.
    Sure, I'll draw it. But I'll have to start tomorrow, because it's night where I live, and I don't really like drawing during the night, :P.
    Not really good. At least I've got no school tomorrow, though I don't really have anything to do for this extended weekend...

    Why is your day not good? Or do you not want to talk about it?
    And I think you are totally right. Still, I'm committed to all the sites, and I can't let all the sites down. I'm VERY sorry if it seems like I'm ignoring you...

    So, again, how was your day?
    Very sorry; I've been on many sites at once, like BG, PS, PB, Memebase, DA, PMF, and SPPF all on different tabs. Sorry, but I have way too many sites to go to, so sorry if it seems like I'm ignoring you...

    So, how was your day?
    I wonder what his opinion if her is. Oh, well. I guess we'll find out eventually. ._.;
    I mean, he can't hate her.

    ... Right

    Yeah! Arccie's fine. ^~^
    Gee, wombat sure is a strange word. Wombat, wombat, wombat. Hmm.
    *On iPod Touch*
    *Sadly can't see anything spoiled other than <data explunged>*
    What was in the spoiler? iPods don't like spoilers.
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