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  • Turbo is a banned member who continually ban evades and trolls TCoD. So many times that he's actually become a meme. He's known for using Digimon attacks as his username. He's been banned more than 17 times, EX: Celestial Blade, DisTurbo.... too many.
    Holy crap I need to tell you what's happening right now.

    I'm watching Austin Powers with my brother and his friend. His awesomely awesome friend. We shot off fireworks earlier.

    Best New Years ever.


    *Cat face*
    OMG! Look at all those fireworks, Baky-chan! So pretty!!

    *Eye roll*
    Yes, Rainn, very "pretty."
    ... Now when can we leave?

    *Punch to Bakura's face*
    ... Kitteh....

    Oh, erm, concerning the bronzeshipping... I am trying to refrain from anything too explicit, but when you got Melvin, it's kind of hard. I don't think it's too terribly bad, but felt like throwing that out there just in case. :/
    ... I can't possibly finish this year. I'm sorry.

    ... But if you have YouTube, I might can make it up to you.
    Oooh thank you! I didn't draw the boy... but that's okay! It's purty!
    I miss your old username :(
    And I miss the time when I could actually understand your usertitle.
    I wish I could stop staring at it, but it just looks so ugly without it's tail and ears.

    God, help us all.

    So, on an unrelated note, I'm still working on the Bronzeshipping situation. (Which is RainnxMelvin, feel free to look it up) I might have it done by next year (Bahahaha), or maybe somehow get it done this year.
    ... ;~;
    Don't look at it in the Roar of Time skin. It looks like... God, I don't even know
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