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  • Oh good. Thought it was because of that.

    And I do recall seeing Total posts 991 What happened to the other 190?
    I don't have a TV here (living in Germany for two years, currently we're staying in the house of some friends of ours who are in England), but I'll try to find the manga.

    And yes, I prefer to watch/read/etc. things in order, though I don't know why.

    Also, once I read it I'll actually understand what the boys in my class are talking about half the time. Seriously, this might very well be the only junior high school where it's actually kind of cool for people to like manga. I've overheard the boys talking about Dragon Ball and Pokemon and Naruto and other stuff. I really should talk to them. They're much more friendly than the girls, too.

    ...Don't mind me, I ramble a lot. Especially when it's past 8:00 at night.
    I also like various anime. I watched a few episodes of Inuyasha, haven't seen any Dragon Ball (any of the series) yet though. I mostly watch Naruto, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Sailor Moon, and I recently started watching Mai-HiME.

    I love Mythbusters. I don't know many people who like it, which is sad, because I really like talking about it. I've mostly watched new episodes, though. Never watched it until a few weeks ago.

    There's always some Nutella in my house. Love that stuff.

    And I never actually thought about Marowak much, mostly because I've never had one in the games.
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