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  • Ah. 'Seeming' is easy, ask any actor; and I'm pretty good at seeming. Whether I'm as smart as I seem remains to be seen, I think. Most of the advice I give, and observations I tend to remark on, come from a healthy dose of experience. I'm less able when it comes to more traditional 'smartness', like numbers and logical sequences.

    Also, the debate has to actively interest me. I'm not too keen on the oft-repeated-until-it-loses-all-meaning debate on religion or politics, to give an example.
    Oh? Cool. I'm happy when someone gets away without falling into traps. Of course, you should be careful if you decide to browse the rest of the ED. If you mouse over the links displayed on the pages, without clicking, they usually have little text popups that tell you what the link leads to.

    They can be trusted. Most of the time. Just be careful.
    That wasn't too bad an idea. I'm sure the links there might have tempted you a little, though. How many did you click?
    How many times did you click the wrong link and have Goatse pop up? Or Tubgirl? Or any of the other horrific things that lurk there? Of course I hope you took the warnings seriously and didn't fall into any traps, but I like to keep a realistic expectation of things.

    More importantly, did you find the article that was mentioned in the 'why' thread that you were so curious about?
    You could just call me 'Zoroark', you know?

    But I'm fine. Any luck inflicting the ED on yourself? I do hope not; those kinds of mental scars rarely fade.
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