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  • Oh! Huh, I wasn't aware that there was an Aluminium! I've always said Aluminum.
    Huh. I think that -ise is pronounced as -ize, so you might as well use one exclusivley instead of mixing both! So I picked -ise.

    Is that so? That's pretty strange, I never knew that either.

    Centre! And I don't know about that; not even sure what it stands for. :o
    I do! Mostly because American English is just weird; we put z's in places that they don't really need to be. I mean, we still say "disguise" as opposed to "disguize" and various other things that make an equal amount of sense, so I tend just to stick with -ise all the time. It's easier to remember, in any case.
    Just a suggestion - would you consider building a mono team? I think it helps to broaden your horizons in competitive play.
    That's true, although I'm not sure what they would need it for? I mean, the political system is by no means pure, but I don't think that they want to tap into people's emails for the heck of it. I'm sure there's some kind of justification.

    Because spelling colour as "color" is too mainstream B) I'm not really sure, it's just something I picked up here. It makes more sense to me, anyway.
    Photo Finish and Murkrow.

    Oh, I see. Wow. I really don't get it, there are better ways to do stuff like that. You can figure out stuff about terrorism or whatever by means other than tapping into people's phone lines and e-mails. :I
    Oh, okay. I think I know who you are, then! I'm just used to you being Murkrow, so it's weird to see you as anything else.

    The NSA is pretty disturbing. Wait, but you aren't American, are you?
    Ah, everyone has problems! Also I totally agree with Kiru's post, I hope you take some of what they said to heart. :I

    I sent you a tweet? ...What's your Twitter?
    Hey man, I saw your thread. Why don't you hit up Pokemon Showdown? I'm always game for a practice round/a coaching session/etc.
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