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  • The domain "'s Mask" may be up for sale by its owner!

    But yep. Qvalador was getting a little stale.
    rby: you can basically do lt. surge, erika, sabrina, koga in whatever order you like, and blaine at any time after koga. and due to mild glitchery, you can totally just walk past the saffron guard if you try, avoiding the need for cut and misty; and the tower can be done without going through the game corner with a poké doll.

    thus, suggestion: order brock, mt. moon, bill, pokémon tower, koga, safari zone, blaine, silph co., sabrina, erika, lt. surge, misty, giovanni at viridian + disband team rocket, giovanni at game corner (optional), then the league.
    eh, I'm not very good at explaining to people who aren't you, either.

    also I keep insisting that programming doesn't require very smart but nobody. believes me. I mean, being smart probably totally helps, but like, you it's not the smart that's the thing, it's. like.

    giving directions.

    to a thing which doesn't know about things.

    not smart could probably even be helpful depending on what exactly that not smart was not smart was not smart for.
    Oh, sure! I'm on Showdown now as Hausekatze! I'm also sitting in the CAP Project room if you want to be able to click on my name. Do you want to also try fighting my sister? (she's sonic29)
    "Then I decided I wanted to make you be able to play against the computer which I thought I could do, since I had played against my friend so much that we'd worked out a strategy do never lose. But I was at a loss as to how to program it."

    after the "don't lose" heuristic there's only a few special cases, and even those are eliminated with a bit of lookahead I think?
    That, and as I mentioned before, the uncanny personality matchups. Even in other similarly-themed animes (Azumanga Daioh/Lucky Star/etc.), there was never as close a match as these.

    As an aside, in the Japanese MLP dub, there have been three more songs (and on the latter two, I think they even outdid the original).
    By the way, all this is rather interesting for me, because I got into MLP:FiM for its resemblance to K-on, so it's come full circle for me. :)
    It's the second.

    Anyway, I foresee a flood of crossover art after EqG 2 gets released. :)

    (Actually, it's kinda funny that they're pretty much going with a Westernized K-on as the concept, because the five lead characters from K-on [and Nodoka to make it an even 6] and the Mane 6 can be matched up pretty well. XD)

    Seriously though, I might just watch it to see how it fares when compared against K-on, although I don't really like its chances...
    I know and you know that I think you-know-what used to be amazing, but sucks now. Although I've tried to stop insisting on such at every opportunity, I absolutely have to show you this.

    Does this concept remind you of anything? :P

    Seriously though, let's just put it this way: the cover version won't be able to hold a candle to the original.
    Well yes, but there are more specific versions of maths; whatever course I'm currently taking is math, while mathematics in general are maths.

    And oh! Thanks, I'll definitely check it out.
    It actually depends, on that one; in general, I say maths, but when I'm talking about a specific subject, it's math.

    And thank you! I'm actually putting Python off a bit until I learn JavaScript, but I'll definitely look into that! Thanks.
    ...Really? It looks weird. I'm pretty sure I've always read it as Sulphur, and I've certainly always spelled it that way. That's strange...

    I'm kind of weird. My parents point out that I spelled "colour" wrong every time they go through my website.
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