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  • That's true, I'm not either. I like Python a lot more than Java, though. I know that much.

    Well... sort of. I would say "ass" a lot more if my brother wasn't on the forums. He doesn't know what "arse" even means, so. (I didn't actually know arse was a British spelling! Huh.)
    Eh, that's enough to get by, haha. It's a really cool skill to have, I think! What language do you typically use, again?
    A bit! I've mostly been debugging my kan-ban program. And failing. Miserably. Have you?
    Oh, no. I was on hiatus; I was grounded. I'm ungrounded now, though! And don't worry about sounding rude, I wouldn't speak up even if you did.
    You don't have to communicate much! All you have to say are things like "buying wards", "rosh now", "push", "deny that tower", and other Dota jargon (which will all become clear once you start playing).
    Even if it's temporary, though, it's still a moment of massive OP-ness.

    I do think you'd like Dota. Very varied, tactical, and has nice graphics and story (stories, rather - only the individual characters have them) to boot.
    I know this is an old topic which I've mentioned a billion and one times, but we've hit a new low with this garbage.

    This officially makes her beyond godlike. What. The. Hell.

    (By the way, speaking of "beyond godlike", you really ought to play Dota. :P)
    woah, I hadn't heard about that Doctor Who villain. That's sort of cool. (and for some reason she is sort of reminiscent of a Delphox, though i'm not quite sure why. Maybe the red hair.)
    They're onto me.

    No, it's just because it wasn't loading, and it looked kind of weird static. I figured that it must have some kind of significance otherwise, so I checked the URL to see if it came from a wiki or had a revealing file name or something. No such luck.
    Is that so! I was wondering why my transparent GIFs never worked... That's actually really helpful to know.

    For a minute, I thought you changed your signature! But I checked the URL, and it was the same, so I was really confused, haha.
    Heh, how'd you know? Yeah, I'm in FireFox now! :o I never noticed, though. Nor did I know animated PNGs were a thing.
    Murkrow, might I register you on my 3DS? My old DS got busted in early November, and I got a new one this Sunday. My FC is 1779-1558-9342.
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