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  • They just say no. The always sit on the outside, toward the aisle, and don't let me in.
    No, there are usually loads of empty seats but no one lets me sit.

    Well, I guess that's true. Worth a try, though!
    Heh, I'm so ugly I have to stand everyday on the bus because no one wants me by them.

    Well, it doesn't necessarily have to be another club! You could just play Pokémon while at that club, right?

    And oh. I say er but not that much. I did have a YouTube channel years ago, I don't even know what it's like now.
    Impressions based on things so inconsequential as appearance bother me a lot, but that's just how the world works.

    I'm sure there are people in that club that play Pokémon! You just have to ask, and that starts conversations!

    Oh, do most people edit things? I've never done that before, even before I hated my voice.
    Oh, hush. :p

    Right! I do the same thing, and I'm not exactly attractive, so people rarely approach me in the first place, and I'm kind of... you know, stuck. I guess maybe talking about teams or something would help? Pokémon battles are kind of awkward to talk during.

    I'm the same about my voice! That's why if I ever send anything involving my voice, I send it without listening to it. I mean, I know when I mess up without having to listen to it, but then again, I don't have to edit.
    I suppose you're entitled to that.

    I guess that's true. My problem is that I wait for people to come to me, I guess. How do you go out and just meet people, anyway?
    You're so easy to talk to! And you have a whole bunch of cool skills and you're really smart.

    Yeah, I feel that way sometimes too. My best remedy is sleep. I also watch a lot of television when I'm that way, it takes my mind off it.
    I'm sorry you feel lonely. For what it's worth, I think you're pretty amazing.
    I've never done Java! So this is more of a base knowledge thing, but yeah, I are where you're coming from.

    And try should try again! Dreams are usually good, I think, just not if you try keep them exactly how they were because dreams are weird.
    Actually, no. Not a lot of programming. I just checked out a Java book from the library, though, so hopefully I can start again!

    I've a few ideas but I'm too lazy to develop them at the moment. My brothers keep asking to help every time I start, and I don't really want them to since they have no idea what to do, so I'm going to wait until they forget.
    Oh! That makes sense. I only remember Pythagorean Theor because of a dumb song. Geometry seemed really pointless to me, though, and it made my GPA not-perfect.

    That would be… overwhelming. Maybe I'll just do some of them freelance. I want to go to school in Florida, since my aunt and uncle basically live on campus and offered to let me live there for free!
    You don't have to do geometry? It's mostly formulas and theorems and proofs and things like that. I feel like it should be easy, but it's not for me. And I'll check those out! Thanks.

    I want to do a lot of theatre things, but also lots of computer things. Acting, storyboarding, voice acting, movie writing, programming, and web design, namely.
    Maths are really fascinating! But not being able to do them well is frustrating for me. I'm okay at it, but geometry and trigonometry are very difficult for me because I'm not spatially minded at all, and I think that's an important part of it.

    I asked because I know you're in school, but I never knew what for and I was curious! I am thinking about it, I'm torn between a few different options, though.
    Oh. Hm. I'm not actually that familiar with jobs relating to maths, it sort came as a surprise to me when you said you're pursuing a degree in that field. Have you given any thought to maybe going back to school for something else after a few years?
    I plan to redraw him soon! He's really weird looking in that picture.

    Oh! What sort of career are you looking at?
    I think it was similar to this, but with a skull instead of a face.

    What subject do you study? :o
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