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  • I made a new account! Because my church asked for my Twitter account and they keep pestering me about it and my previous one was not fit to distribute to a church.
    Huh. I never thought of it that way, I guess she kind of is a Goddess. What I want to know what the heck a Power Star really is. They're just... there.

    I suppose it makes sense. Though really, Rosalina is the only real character I can think of that has character at all.
    My friend used ROB for some reason. I have no idea why, because ROB is incredibly dumb, but I suppose he's entitled to that.

    You're right. I always forget. She technically isn't a princess at all, as it shows her lineage, in addition to the entire story of her life, and it's never suggested that she is royalty of any kind. She may be a sort of queen or princess to the Lumas, but only in spirit.

    Stupid Rosalina.
    Well, I haven't played it, but I may as well have; I know a lot of the dialogue and the plotline, I just don't know the specific details and I'd like to find out! I did a lot of background research on Majora and the Mask, and I found it really interesting. Besides, it sounds cool. And yeah, I'll probably wait for a remake, since I can rarely be bothered to sit down and play my Wii U unless it's a disk game. I'm not really sure why.

    ...Really? I think all the princesses have obnoxious voices, except Rosalina. Daisy does sound really happy, though; I'll give her that. I have a different character of choice from game to game. In Mario Kart DS it was Dry Bones, ditto Mario Kart Wii. But for Wii U, I use Shy Guy.
    Oh! I didn't know that, that's pretty interesting! I might have to try out Majora's Mask, then, assuming that the rumours regarding a remake are false.

    /o\ Daisy is obnoxious, I think. I can't stand her voice. (Not that Peach's is infinitely better, but it's less terrible.)
    It's National Peach Month here!

    And yeah, it is. I just found that picture on the Internet. Are N64 ROMs even a thing?
    Mine is not terrible to the point where it bothers people, but I notice it and I hate it.

    What's the celebrity's name? I'm curious if I know him, and if I don't, who he is.
    I have problems with L's and S's, so things like "lisp" or "lily" or "silk" are really hard and embarrassing to say in public. People are always trying to make me say "lily" ever since I let them know I can't say it. I don't know why I told anyone that.
    Yes! It bothers me a lot! And also an L in it. It's one of the hardest words for me to say, even mentally. :(

    Okay. Thank you. :)
    I used to think I was really weird for doing things I thought no one else did, but apparently other people do! Except, you know, I actually have some problems that are somewhat uncommon, like my lisp, but that's different.

    Yes, I'd rather not think about it anymore, since it's mostly better now. Thank you for being so willing and helpful, though. :)
    Uh, I guess understand wasn't the best word. Sympathise?

    And it's over now. There were suicide shenanigans and I was scared and also suicidal but it's fixed now.
    I sort of understand! New things are weird for me because my parents pressure me to fibre things and then go, "Oh, you like it? You should try new things more often, huh?"
    Oh! I remember that. That's still a really cool idea, to me. My pad helps a lot, but I only ever colour with it. I've found drawing lineart on paper, scanning it, and colouring it on the computer is much more effective for me.
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