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  • Heyo! It's your turn to command in your battle Vs. Sangfroidish, I'm mentioning it since the thread seems to have gone off the first page.

    I actually had Fude Pen Ball Pen as one of my original picks, but I nixed it because I couldn't think of anything but "inflicts Attract on a Pokemon", and change Fuwa Fuwa Time to "changes a Pokemon's ability to Levitate", but that was too close to the effects of Tsubasa wo Kudasai, and I certainly wan't going to cut either their first song or their most iconic song, so FPBP had to go.

    In my headcanon, Wakaba Girls stayed together, and, ~4-5 years after K-on ended, both them and Houkago Tea Time got signed to the same label.
    I suppose that's true, but it doesn't look... English, really. I guess that's the point of a reform, though.

    That's true, though if there were an entire English reform to the point where "enough" would be spelt as "enuf," then none of those other problems would really be problems anymore, right?
    English is weird. Someone needs to rewrite it. ...Apparently people have agreed for centuries.

    Wow, that's... mildly interesting. Although, if letters were always pronounced the same, it would seem weird. Instead of enough, we would get enuf, et cetera. It looks wrong.
    Hm, that's really interesting. I'm glad you told me that. Did you ever learn why it's not like that in English?
    Huh, that's... interesting. Welsh uses the same alphabet, right? So technically they were actually two letters, still?

    Yeah, passing notes around was just fun because you weren't supposed to do it. I think we were secretly hoping we would get caught so the teacher would take the note and read it and be confused, but they never did. Of course, when we wrote actual notes...
    Oh, yeah, those always made me wonder. In reality alphabets aren't really like that, but I guess you can't expect everyone to put a load of time into their fiction.

    Windings was great, my friends and I memorised it and that's how we passed notes in elementary school.
    That's fair, I guess. Did you have fun with it, at least?

    Well, yeah, it was a romantic language, so that was pretty much imminent. I based the conjugation on French, though, and borrowed stuff from languages that English doesn't really (like Icelandic, mostly), so it ended up fairly different.

    Alphabets seem interesting, though! Were they like ours, i.e. a letter for a few sounds and a combination of letters for others, or a letter for every sound, or...?
    You're welcome. Feel free to ask me anything if you have doubts, and welcome to ASB!
    By the way, ASB is much easier to understand in practice; you'll want to read Intro to ASB before anything else, but otherwise, just looking at a battle generally goes a long way as far as understanding how things work goes.

    Of course, there aren't many battles rolling right now, although I suppose I could lend you a gander at what was probably my first battle in here -- it should be simple enough to understand.
    Oh, well, at least no more school! I'm certain you'll find something. Would you say it was worth it?

    I was thinking that, actually. I've always loved the intricacies of English, word-making is fun. Once I tried to make my own romantic language.
    Oh, that doesn't sound like any fun. You're getting ready to graduate for good, then?

    It got taken because I'm a bad kid, I guess. I am on my phone. And tcodding is an interesting word.
    Are your exams through now, at least?

    I've been drawing quite a bit! Mostly just doodles and stuff, but I got a few actual things done. I don't have much else to do with my laptop gone, in truth.
    Oh, hey! I am still working on my website, in a very loose sense– i.e. it still exists and I touch it every so often. Mostly I'm just drawing, because my laptop is gone. What about you?
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