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  • I have. I can't seem to decide on one.

    Also I'm so sorry, I replied to this but I guess it didn't go through and I didn't check to make sure afterward! That's my bad. But yeah you're basically right, it's pretty shitty but it's how things are and tips can be quite a bit more than what your wages would be otherwise so I'm not necessarily complaining.
    I've seen K-On! and its really cute :D Who was your favorite band member? I've always liked Yui^^ But they're all awesome XD
    That's fair, but hopefully you'll get the ropes soon enough. The best way to learn things is to just start doing them and have people walk you through if you get stuck! Of course if you go nuts with your experimenting or something your job performance might suffer, but. Hopefully you'll get the hang of it.

    America's pretty strange about tipping, but I think for the grocery store baggers it does make a little bit of sense. Baggers aren't really necessary (I bag my own stuff whenever I go), so the grocery store doesn't want to really shell out a salary for all of them. I always thought of it kind of like symbiosis.

    Heheh, yeah, fair enough. I might ask if it comes up in IRC, though.
    Pft. I'm sure it'll be all right, at any rate. And if not, can your coworkers give you a few pointers?

    Well, the only job that I'm certain is available to me at the moment is being a bagger at the grocery store, which is only for tips and probably isn't worth it. Aside from that, I may or may not be swamped with schoolwork soon so making a big commitment like that before I know how much time I'll have seems problematic.

    Huh, that's weird. I assumed it was because the infraction expired or something but that probably wouldn't make sense either. Maybe a mod knows, I'll have to ask.
    Oh, that's definitely good! What are you doing, specifically? (I'm yet to have a job. I was going to work in fast-food or something but ??? I'm fifteen why do I need money.)

    Yeah, that's what it looks like. I think it was just a total shitpost so I got rid of it after it was infracted or something. It doesn't look like it was from uv, though! Also I have an infraction that says "Private," do you have any idea what that is.
    It doesn't sound particularly interesting, but money is money! How has it been so far?

    I can. I got mixed up because I have a few infractions that are marked as "N/A" for some reason, so I can't see where they were from, but uv's isn't like that.
    Oh, that's super cool! The graduation/job bit, I mean. What'd you get a job in? Also yeah, I know what you mean. I don't think that'll ever go away for me, either, but at least you occasionally find something you're good at...!

    Hahaha, yeah. It kind of sounded like something that could've potentially happened around the time I first joined. I know uv infracted me for something back then, but I can't see what it was anymore.
    I think it spells dormancy that we're both bad at initiating. :p How have you been?
    Today's my birthday! :D not sure i wanna make thread about it, tho XD but i felt like telling a random person who's online about it! I'm actually pretty shy, tho.
    Hey Murkrow! Here's just a note that I took over e-reffing for this battle and it's your turn to command c:
    I saw your post about the messed up faces in the Sims, and I was just wondering, which game was this in? And if it was in ts2 and you deleted the family the in-game way, whatever neighborhood they were in was corrupted because Maxis didn't code it right and it shreds the data. (If you did this before the glitch happened it might be the cause of the messed up faces)

    my curiosity is fueled by the fact I just bought ts2
    Reading books off a screen is kind of weird to me as well, and reading manga is even weirder, but I settled for it. I'm not positive where it stands now since I didn't see watermarks on yesterday's chapter, but in the past there was a manga website which reportedly had it for free legally! I can't... find it anywhere, though. I didn't plan on reading the manga originally either, but as you've probably heard, the anime is more of an exposition than anything else. It goes way deeper.
    Yeah, I'm hearing that reason a lot from Europeans. The anime was pretty good, I agree, but have you read the manga?
    It is! It's the only anime that I've finished so far but I love it. Did you like it?
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