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  • You're welcome! Word of warning: the DexNav is kind of annoying in caves or water, because the pokemon will be jumping around and it's a pain to sneak fast enough to bump into it but still slow enough to not startle it.
    You can chain by just searching for the same pokemon again after catching/beating one. Every... five (?) encounters or so you get a higher-leveled pokemon, iirc. So it doesn't happen automatically, but it works.
    You can chain with the DexNav in OR/AS. I't a helluva lot better than the pokeradar, as you can get hidden ability/egg moved/IV'd pokemon/items with it. :O
    You can only see them when you use Game Sync and check your profile in the Global Link, actually.
    I'll register you in a sec - do you think you can get online in ORAS or XY real quick so my game will register it?
    I don't think I have your FC! What is it? Mine's 3883-5650-7552. I'm on a quest to get the ORAS medal that requires being online with 100 friends.
    Hello! Sorry I didn't get around to replying sooner! The other people who reported him reported because he was also being creepy towards them. He approached me in the hall today, and I immediately froze up but I actually managed to call him out today and ended up yelling at him in the middle of the hall after school. I would have done it when I saw him at my house but no ine was around that day; I didn't want to take any chances incase he tried something. So yeah I confronted him today and it was terrifying but there was a teacher there who got down our names so hopefully something happens.
    It's in Fontaine's Futuristics. You should be able to find it once you've activated the circuit breakers in the second part of the level.
    I found what seems to be an impossible to reach area in Bioshock 2 and it's been bugging me a lot. In the area where Alex the Great's tank is, I kept hearing a splicer call out to me and eventually I found a hole in the wall that is too high to reach. The splicer chucks molotovs at you if you get too close and so I used telekinesis to throw one back. However, it seems there is no way to reach this area and I found no mention of this room after looking it up online. If you jump, it looks like there is just empty space up there. If you open up the map, it's not even on there.

    Idk, I've been exploring every part of the game very carefully and it seems unusual that there would be an unreachable room. Especially one that there is no mention of anywhere online.
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