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  • Oh! Oh, I see. It didn't occur to me what you meant until just now.

    How has your drawing been?
    Oh, I see. It would have been cool to see! Especially if you added more than two points. You could make it draw pictures!
    Oh. That's dumb.

    That sounds really cool! You should try again. What went wrong?
    I usually think basically along those lines. Programming is fun when I do it, but it's hard to get motivated.

    Oh, that's really cool! So you are playing with MATLAB too, then?
    Huh! That's smart, I'll start doing that.

    I am! I've been going through my Java book in my spare time (spare time meaning not-doing-anything-else-and-not-wanting-to-do-anything-else-time), and I managed to write a simple programme that introduces itself upon boot, then prompts you to type something! It will then echo what you type and then close, because I haven't figured out how to make it do it multiple times yet. Have you picked it back up recently?
    Oh, huh. I thought they were different terms with the same acronym or something!

    The deals are so tempting but always end up better later on! I bought Scribblenauts Unlimited for ten dollars and it was five the next week.
    Uh... Hm, I mostly meant just the behaviour of the non-player aspect of the game.

    I do have Steam! It isn't installed at the moment, though, because the deals are tempting and I'm broke.
    I heard the AI was really terrible and fire trucks got stuck in traffic and everything burnt down.
    I usually try it on racing games.

    Oh, I see. That's dumb. I never even heard about that. Internet-required games are so stupid. Isn't the new Sim City stupid anyway?
    No, the skill to actually get anything to crash into each other.

    What's wrong with Maxis now? I haven't noticed anything that bad, but I haven't been looking.
    I don't even have the skill to do that. I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted trying.

    Spore is pretty good, but it could have been far better. So yeah, hype backlash. I really enjoy it, though. I love Maxis in general. It's a really good game, and it's simple. It crashed quite often, though. I just like the whole idea of it, it really appeals to me.
    Britain in general, I think.

    I did Spore tutorials. I should probably start doing them again since the state of the Spore saddens me. Tutorials are easy if you are good at what you're doing and people watch them.
    According to the Internet, you may move out at sixteen with your parent's permission and at eighteen without it.
    But I'm assuming you can? At any rate, that's pretty cool, we have to go through two extra years, as I'm sure you've gathered. With any luck, I'll finish early, though.
    No, they'll scoot aside for people they like. I'm not sure if it's normal. It is to me, but my friends rarely have issues with it.

    It happens literally every time I've been on a bus with people my age.
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