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  • Eh, I'm hoping things start settling down for me now. Was a rough couple months there.

    Oooo I wish I could go. But it's so far away. :(
    Aaaah, okay. Yeah, I sold all my Nintendo stuff a while back.

    Just noticed we haven't talked since the 50th anniversary of Who!

    How've you been?
    Why yes I am American. Naw, I don't have any Nintendo stuff at all. What's a Nintendo club code anyways? :s
    We haven't made anything super-exciting! I've been helping my sister make her game, which is about an Eevee who talks to you. So far there's music, the Eevee evolves sometimes (so the picture changes), and some dialogue options.

    It is really neat, though. My sister especially really likes it because it's easy to write code for.
    Not much, unfortunately. Python isn't really cut out for web stuff, so I might have to suck it up and learn Java(Script). I was working on this, and it works great in my terminal, but getting it to cooperate with the compiler I'm using is sort of bad.
    I might. From what I know, it seems to be like Azumanga Daioh, but with more magic realism.

    Also, since you've now downloaded Dota, I'll give you a tip that should really help you out.

    There are over a hundred heroes to choose from, and all of them fall into at least one of the ten hero roles. Actually, most are in more than one.

    The ten hero roles are:

    Lane Support

    Here's a rundown of what each role does.
    oh! that's pretty cool. it would be strange for anyone to pick the website option unless they had reasons similar to yours. there are the other options, and then that. one of them is way harder than the other.

    and wow! that's really cool, i've never seen that before. i didn't know wiimote-bluetooth was even a thing.
    Menus are actually really hard to perfect! I'm really unhappy with mine. May I ask what class you did that for?

    You're not bad! What I've seen of your drawing is way better than most people are capable of, and you're doing it on a touchpad! I have a hard time doing it with a regular mouse. You aren't bad!
    My first website was in 2010, I think, and I started working on this one about a year ago, I think! Almost two, now.

    I've been drawing as long as I can remember. I've been doing it as well as I do now for about a year now, though. How about you?
    That's true! The thing with me is that I had a lot of motivation to make my site, but I don't have very much to actively work on it. :(

    That makes sense! A lot of people (I think Squornshellous Beta and Zhorken both do this) just have websites to dump all of their things onto, though.
    Oh! You should try it again sometime, now that you probably have a bigger mental capacity for it. It's pretty fun to screw around with programming on websites!

    That was more self-loathing than anything you've said to me before. Don't worry about it!
    Do you have any idea how to make Python display text on a webpage? I'm at a loss.
    Oh noooo.

    Well, there is room for two. Perhaps we can construct an entire Zelda enthusiast neighbourhood.
    Right now, it's just for fun! But I'd love to add some cool things onto my website, and I'm looking into doing it as a career.
    Probably! He'd likely take it to be a substitute, though, like "frick" and weird things like that.
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