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  • Hi, I'm sorry for taking... lots of days to respond, I suddenly got swamped with schoolwork! (group project thing is happening.) And now I can't really remember what I was going to say about your team. I'd be happy to look at it if you want to paste your team with the changes, though!

    If you're battling real people, then I think it's semi-important just because perfect IVs are really, really easy to get in X/Y. So basically anyone who cares at all about being competitive is going to get them! And it's a pretty noticeable boost; try taking off your IVs on Showdown if you want to see the difference. It's alright to have them a few points lower than 31, though.

    Also, you're trying to breed an Umbreon like your one on Showdown, right? It has Wish, so HP is going to be helpful.
    Oh. Well, it's just a quick question! I'm pretty antisocial, too, but stuff like that doesn't usually denote a lot of conversation.

    I did! It needs revision though.
    pffh offhand the best I know about the square root of 2304 is that it's somewhere between 45 and 50 >||| ... wait. that's an actual perfect square of 48, isn't it.

    Yeah, people are pretty stingy about mascot-legendaries. You're probably better off finding a deal online. I'll see if I can't find you one! They added a lot of filters this time around (you can filter it so they only show offers that are requesting something you have, or there's one that filters all offers requesting special Pokémon out), so hopefully it'll be a bit easier.
    "How on Earth are you meant to calculate something with three nested square roots without a calculator in less than 20 minutes? I'm having trouble with the practice exam and I have a calculator and wolfram alpha and the solution sheet helping me do that."

    unless you need ludicrous precision you basically only take the outer root "properly" and for the inner roots you just only take it only as far as you need without affecting the final answer. if you misjudge you'll probably be a bit off in your last sig fig but like. like if you have something like sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3))+sqrt(sqrt(5)+sqrt(7))), you basically get okay, so sqrt 2 + sqrt 3 ~= pi, sqrt 5 + sqrt 7 ~= 4.9, sqrt pi (~= 1.77) + sqrt 4.9 (= 7/sqrt 10 ~= 2.21) ~= 3.98, sqrt of that ~= 1.995. the actual value is closer to 1.996, but yeah.

    ... it took me like ten minutes just to do that though so it probably isn't practical under exam conditions anyway, though. ... are you sure there isn't an easier way to do it? or maybe you're not actually expected to get such a precise answer?
    You can actually search for stuff if you don't have it seen! There's an option at the bottom of the letter index that says "Which Pokémon?" If you can type it correctly, you can search it!

    And oh, I see. I've tried to do that before, but it's frustrating to do legally!
    Yikes, monthly would be terrible! I wouldn't do it.

    Yeah, and BW2 had the best Wi-Fi stuff, in my opinion. :c

    Nope, but I can get some! I can borrow a Yveltal from my brother after he beats the game (he just got it for free yesterday), and I can get an Aromatisse over the GTS! Obviously you can't keep the Yveltal, but you can feel free to keep the Aromatisse, if I can find one.
    :c That's really dumb. I'm just happy that, for once, they didn't overprice it-- for a yearly fee, I expected closer to fifteen or twenty dollars! So five or seven isn't too bad.

    Yeah, it's pretty dumb. It's even worse because Gen VI didn't get a GTS Negotiations, so we'll have to go without that.
    Well, it's only five USD (how much is that in £?). I can help you, if you'd like, I've got most of my National Dex in Black 2.

    And thank you!
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