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  • Oh, thanks! I got lazy with my doodles, ahaha. But yeah, the other good forms were originally designed as fakemon based on myself... but I decided to change that, so that's why that Pokemon labeling is there. I don't really actually consider them Pokemon anymore, they're more like... these other monsters I draw called Creations.

    But I'm glad you like the Beast Form! It's actually supposed to be more of a dog and needs a bit of an update (specifically I was gonna add antennae on it and the Queen rather than those wing ear thingies to have a consistancy with the Good Forms)... but wolf's close enough. :3
    Ah, it's totally fine. I've just been procrastinating, ahaha. But all right. Here we go!

    These are the evil forms:

    Bird. | Beast. | Queen. | Dragon.

    And these are the good ones after like, she unDarknesses and stuff, the true ones, one could say (actually hand-drawn! So not as crappy as those paintdoodles):

    Chary | Mouriett | Arkairlett | Scarlett Queen. (Another doodle! Ew, aha.)

    Ahaha, yeah, I'm nuts with all these forms.
    That's true, ahaha. You sort of have it laid out so that you don't get plotholes, but it can be changed.

    It depends on how she feels. She's not really in control of it, the Darkness ones, or the True ones, ahaha. I have crappy Paint doodles of them and some actually drawn, if you'd like to see.

    (Sorry I keep taking so long to respond. I'm having some random lapses in motivation.)
    Well, it's not totally unplanned. We have like, vague outlines on what'll happen, but we try not to be too precise and flexible about it. But you could, yes.

    Oh, thank you. Yeah, didn't want anything to be... too cliche with all the old fashioned magic stuffs. But that sounds pretty neat, actually. Combining all that. That's what I try to do in the RP too.

    Yeah, I know. I do that too. I use my feelings as symbolism and stuff for my character. That's what makes writing awesome, you can express yourself.

    It really is. Darkness within... just coming out and overtaking you. We just sort of outlined a few scenes that we'll RP later regarding battling the Darkness. One where all the characters get together to try to defeat it.

    Well, various Dark Forms, at first. A totally black dog with glowing red eyes, then a bird of the same, and a humanoid form with the same, a feminine one with a crown since she's like... the Queen. And the final form she takes at the end is a dragon of Darkness, sort of. After all the darkness though, she takes her... "true" forms, if you will, those are like, ones not tainted by darkness.
    I once did as many as... eight at a time. Although I really can't anymore. I haven't got the energy or focus, even if I've got the time. You're right - it does spread you thin. Nowadays, I only tend to pool my focus into one.

    Oh, we are. We actually got sort of... sick of planning something out, and were really refreshed when we decided to do a complete rehaul and pull out some plots and things. One of our latest ones that we just finished was... a completely unplanned project with only one premise in mind, and that was that my character wakes up transformed. And from there we created this insanely complex story that just meshed well and had many minor characters with quirks.

    Ahaha, I suppose they are. I enjoy making myself into a character, and usually do often. Setting? Well, usually, since I just tend to do one nowadays... it tends to be a sort of modernish setting that has cars and stuff, but there's the element of fantasy with dragons and magic and that sort of thing. And in one city where the characters go to sometimes, there's some sci-fi mixed in there. And yourself?

    I've grown rather fond of it myself. The whole thing actually started when I was suffering from a really bad depression about two years ago, and I wasn't really good friends with the person who I create the RP with now, and then I told him that I had "defeated the Horrid Thing" and that's why I was happy. Didn't go much into detail. Then I drew like... this monster made of darkness with red eyes... and that's where the metaphor began. Aah, I'm glad my character seems interesting though to you! I tend to like... analyze myself to try to find ways to most accurately depict me. Yours does as well.
    Oh, that happens. Typically, a few of them die off or don't post that often. I'm just more used to six posting regularly.

    We plan things out... vaguely. There's a very very VERY vague ending, but I haven't dared to plan it out much. We don't like to plan it out too much. RPing tends to be something that can be unpredictable and happens as it goes along. Usually, it tends to be more fun when we make it up as we go along. We both surprise each other.

    My character's an exact self-insert. She's even called Arylett. It tends to be looked down upon, so I don't talk much about this chick a whole lot. But that's pretty much how she is too! I do blow a few of my... faults out of proportion for the sake of humour.

    Oh, well, she has like... literal Darkness in her heart. And I just used that to symbolize my depression. The depression's the real life equivalent and the Darkness... is fantasy, I guess? It's like it actually happens in the story, but I use it as a metaphor as well. If that makes sense.
    Oh yeah, you can do it in instant messaging too. It's really quite fun to me, actually, and is more focused just doing it with one other person. But have fun in a forum RP! I haven't done one in ages... I might try one again. Maybe.

    Oh, I know! The guy I was RPing with loved it, and he even added in some more backstory to the side conflict, making his character related to the side characters in some way. It was nice, ahaha. Nice change of pace! To have just... things you don't expect pop out of nowhere.

    Oh, that sounds pretty interesting, actually. For me, um... my main girl who's pretty much... a self-insert (but I swear she's not a Mary-Sue! I play on my flaws a lot and pretty much tend to mock myself) has had a lot of scenes about her issues with something called Darkness inside of her heart, which was inspired from my depressions. My side characters also got scenes about like... their father who is no longer alive doing something to their mother and nobody ever knowing why.
    ...That is a really really neat idea and I wish I had thought of it first. Jet packs are like way overdone but you went more creative, ahaha.

    I did that a bit, they had a lot of their own scenes even though I wasn't even intending for it to be about them. In fact, I daresay they got MORE sceentime than my main girl. Kinda made me go eh a bit, but then again, it was interesting and different than usual. You should try it if you wanna focus more on them though!

    It depends. In IM RPing, which isn't on a forum or anything, just in Instant Messaging with one person, yeah, you do. Since well, they're the only one you're RPing with. If the person above you, in forum RPs like this one though, isn't like, addressing your character or doing anything that affects your character, you can feel free to ignore it. Basically, you address anything that is relevant to your character or the setting or anything just really important. Like if an explosion happened, obviously you'd have to address that and react to it. But if someone's character starts a conversation with another, you CAN choose to join in if you want, but you don't HAVE to.
    Flying shoes? This is officially one of the most awesome things I've ever heard. Do the shoes themselves fly or do they allow the characters to fly?

    Aah, thank you. It really is. I just invented three characters in an RP that finished yesterday out of nowhere and they had like, these awesome personalities that just came to me. They didn't show up as much since having so many overwhelmed me and I couldn't go too much in depth, but it was nice. But yeah, I just felt like... she was me, I suppose. I actually got into it to the point where I got irritated when her plans were foiled. She was indeed, one on these forums.

    Aah, original then! I respect that, when people work on original things. Fan fiction's nice, but it's just so... all over the place, I guess. Still though, I like Pokemon journeyfics, the thought of writing one, because Pokemon can just be... customized and expanded so heavily that they're not all exactly the same. Just try to have little quirks in yours to not make it cliched, maybe peculiar character-types.
    That sounds cool! Dragons and kids, huh? How's it sci-fi? It sounds mostly fantasy to me. Are there like... some weird gadgets involved as well? And is it based on something, a fan fic, or is it totally original?

    That sounds like a good idea. And he just sort of maybe turned all of his anger at the world too, perhaps. He sounds like someone I could feel sorry for. I think that's the key to a good villain. Not how evil they are, but how much you can sympathize with them. If you do that, you can have a whole audience very torn over whether they should hate this person or not.

    Lemme see... well, her good traits are mostly that she's a good leader, and very strong. On the outside, at least. She also, in rare, VERY rare occasions, can be gentle. I recall one time, there was a scene where she had a crush on a guy, and it was... so cute. She really hasn't thought about love before, so she's really naive about it, and sort of childish in that sense, despite her... powerful sort of aura that she gives off. She was so unlike me, but for some reason, I really found myself getting into the character and getting frustrated when her plans were foiled. The bad traits are that she doesn't seem to know how to show normal human emotion; she thinks it's weakness to cry or show sadness or happiness and is very afraid of people thinking she's weak, so she sort of seals up every emotion except for irritation, annoyance, and boredom. But on the inside, she is very emotional and vulnerable, and has explosive emotions. Middle traits... well, I guess she's just really ambitious, which can be good and bad.

    Ah, I just find her fascinating for some strange reason. My mind literally just... invented her out of nowhere without planning.
    Oooh, interesting. I like that whole... on the inside nervousness thing. A daredevil with a sensitive spot. For what sort of story was this for?

    Aah, names don't have to sound evil, as long as they aren't named something like... Bob. That just makes them too hard to take seriously. He sounds interesting though, Steven, I can see him having some good traits from like... maybe why he feels bitter about life. Perhaps something happened to shatter his optimism?
    Aah, since most of my characters are similar and I reuse a lot of the same ones, I don't have really... like... a lot of distinguishable ones. I guess one of my favourites though is Mourmedy, a villain I once played who just... well, she was more realistic. Not MUHAHAHAHA EVIL. But not really my usual fair; it felt kinda good, I guess.

    What about you?
    It happens to me too, really. Planning out the personality just doesn't seem to work, it turns out totally different. So I just use vague premises, things like: "Well, this person talks sort of proper" and then it makes itself. That's cool though, that you think about how your characters would react to stuff~

    Pretty much. Each person has their own characters, and these characters interact with each other. I usually only like to have one main one, with a few occasional recurring ones when I RP. I can't really handle more than one main character; it tends to be very draining.
    Ooh, that happens to me like, all the time. I recently did a roleplay and ended up coming up with this GIANTIC backstory for these minor side characters that just sort of surprised me and the other person. They totally ended up taking over the whole roleplay; although I recently shifted focus back to the main character for a bit since their story is mostly resolved now. They can be quite fun when you pull them off correctly; but ones without a personality are boring.

    Aah, sometimes I do that too. But rarely. Usually, my characters just sort of... tend to make themselves. I go in with a very faint idea of how this person's gonna act and then suddenly, they start to evolve a personality with these little quirks and stuff that I just think up along the way. That's pretty much how I characterize.
    I think that every character, no matter how different, is part of the author in a way, aren't they? Like a little piece of the author that they can draw this character from.

    Yeah. The evil MUHAHAHAHA villain is just... so boring. It's easy to do, but boring. Awww... I'm actually good with giving side characters random strange little quirks out of nowhere... like, the character just sort of evolves a personality on their own and I don't even know I'm doing it.
    Oh, I think I did one sort of like that too. Who was sort of confident and really composed on the outside, but insanely insecure on the inside. But they were more... ambitious, I guess, and meant to be a villain. But not the evil sort. I like to make villains like real people, not pure evil, but people you can sympathize with.

    I do find it hard, actually, to portray someone who's not really like me. I mean, sometimes I'll slip back into the old habits... or give them me-ish traits just so I can identify with them and start writing again. Do you too?
    Then I guess you sound like me too. Ahaha.

    Oh? Have you ever done the bold confident type? I tried that once... it was kinda refreshing.
    Oh... countless. Ever since I first joined, which was a long time ago (like, three years ago), I've been RPing. I typically play a similar character in all of them.
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