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  • Oh, thank you! I was just sitting there, really. My friend designed it, for the most part, but I added my own spice to it. It's the only one I haven't designed. That's a female one. You can tell because only the females have spots. I'm glad you like it though.

    He was pretty upset! His element's Water, so he doused himself no problem. Her friend wasn't really too surprised though, I guess he's just used to her being a weirdo, ahaha. After the whole incident, he made her march back to his room to apologize, but he wouldn't let her in due to being upset. Aaah, awkward situations indeed. We really built it up too in that scene. It was like, you thought they were ALMOST going to do it, it was SO close. I giggled through the whole thing.

    Ah! That'd be pretty cool. I'd take a gander. I'm revising stuff right now on the website for the New Year, so I'll have something to show you soon. Oh, by the way... do you know HTML and all that stuff? Or is it going to have a premade layout and be one of those What You See Is What You Get things?

    I'm not sure... but ah, I've been at it for 8 years. I only really roleplay with one person and we do it in Instant Messaging, which means it's not really so long and storylike so much as more scriptlike. If that makes sense.

    I've just always loved dogs and drawing them. I know how you feel though. I have the same problem with humans... nurgh. I'm trying to fix it though! DA has helpful tutorials for nearly anything you want to draw under the sun. I've found a few canine ones too. They could help you improve your skills!

    Oooh, really? Ah, I'm glad I could help. Do you have any more Fakemon in your gym? And is he going to use them? It'd be kinda cool if there was a sort of... Fog/Flying-type.

    That sounds like something out of Pokemon Colosseum, seriously. I really like that idea, ah. What did the trainer do after it tried to attack him? And again, I'm glad I could help! Maybe your school load will lessen one of these days... and I'm sorry it took me so long to reply! There was something called Art Month and I wasn't allowing myself on the forums until I caught up. I just finished it today. It's where, on December, you draw a picture every day until you have 31 pictures in total. I tend to take a long time with my pictures, because I don't simplify my style ever, and well... it was a lot of trouble for me. But I managed it.

    Especially when you have the past right in front of your face. I have these... records of it. And I forced myself to go looking through them. Although next time, I might just write it from memory especially since I can't handle a few things just yet. Depend less on the logs. But ah, thanks! Due to it being December and the aforementioned Art Month, I didn't have time to work on my story, so I haven't done an of the past at all. I feel a bit better now too. Oh and Happy New Year!

    Stupid Math and Physics. They're not my best subjects either. I never took Physics, but I'm sure I'd be bad at it. Nrrrgh. Well, hopefully, you'll get them up! Good luck with that.
    It's decent. And we got another inch... then it melted again, then froze solid. It's really slick on the roads right now.

    One of the many great ones my friend has. :D

    Well... I'm uh, terrified of aliens. I watched stuff like Evolution and Independance Day when I was 7-8 and I creeped me out horribly.
    ...oh, plus black holes theoretically either rip you into little pieces or stretch you incredible lengths, so I am also afraid of those.

    Oh, I bought a blowtorch with some christmas money. Aluminum-cased molotov-style bombs ahoy. :D
    I'd hope I'd get better, or else I'd get picked off pretty easily. xD

    They're there, all right. Me and my dad hit one driving on a highway once... through some hilly/mountainy country. xP
    Oh, and I wasn't even looking for them. There was a pair standing thirty or so feet away, so I popped one. :3

    At least you'd get a big weapon. :P

    A couple of my relatives are nurses, but they don't have details on horrific injuries or anything. (Whew.) One did have a hilarious story about this methhead/crackhead (I forgot. D:) who kept yelling at her to go get his gun so he could 'go up there n' shoot that bastard, Smith.'.

    While it does help me wake up, an Entoruage (Or whatever it's called) Kronik works wayyyy better.
    I have no favorite soda. I'm hooked on about all of them. xD

    Me too. D:

    You know... the funny part about that iss that in the next amatuer movie me and my friends are making... I'm probably gonna be smoking fake cigars a lot. (I'm most likely gonna be a Spetsnaz spy, addicted to fancy cigs)


    It gets kind of old after you've lived there for years. I'd rather live in Oregon. Maybe Enterprise, to be exact.

    I think it's alkaseltzer. But I've gotta try it. Even hundreds of miles inland in Idaho, there are seagulls. xD

    In the summer, maybe 21-35 days of fishing. Any other season, and it really depends.
    It's decent. And we got another inch... then it melted again, then froze solid. It's really slick on the roads right now.

    One of the many great ones my friend has. :D

    Well... I'm uh, terrified of aliens. I watched stuff like Evolution and Independance Day when I was 7-8 and I creeped me out horribly.
    ...oh, plus black holes theoretically either rip you into little pieces or stretch you incredible lengths, so I am also afraid of those.

    Oh, I bought a blowtorch with some christmas money. Aluminum-cased molotov-style bombs ahoy. :D
    I'd hope I'd get better, or else I'd get picked off pretty easily. xD

    They're there, all right. Me and my dad hit one driving on a highway once... through some hilly/mountainy country. xP
    Oh, and I wasn't even looking for them. There was a pair standing thirty or so feet away, so I popped one. :3

    At least you'd get a big weapon. :P

    A couple of my relatives are nurses, but they don't have details on horrific injuries or anything. (Whew.) One did have a hilarious story about this methhead/crackhead (I forgot. D:) who kept yelling at her to go get his gun so he could 'go up there n' shoot that bastard, Smith.'.

    While it does help me wake up, an Entoruage (Or whatever it's called) Kronik works wayyyy better.
    I have no favorite soda. I'm hooked on about all of them. xD

    Me too. D:

    You know... the funny part about that iss that in the next amatuer movie me and my friends are making... I'm probably gonna be smoking fake cigars a lot. (I'm most likely gonna be a Spetsnaz spy, addicted to fancy cigs)


    It gets kind of old after you've lived there for years. I'd rather live in Oregon. Maybe Enterprise, to be exact.

    I think it's alkaseltzer. But I've gotta try it. Even hundreds of miles inland in Idaho, there are seagulls. xD

    In the summer, maybe 21-35 days of fishing. Any other season, and it really depends.
    I'm not either. Exactly why I'm the camera man half the time. (Oh, and all my snow melted. All of it. Stupid temperature rise and rain.)

    Yeah, it might not be good for you, but still. A quote from my friend, 'when life gives you lemons, shut up and eat your lemons'.

    Yeah. I kinda hope we don't get visited soon. And I sure as hell am not going to visit them myself. I'm terrified of going into space. D:

    My is a bit less... dramatic. xD Mine are more for the flames then the boom, 'cause the boom takes gunpowder, which isn't something I have access to.
    ...the downside of me being a soldier, though, is that I'm not a great runner.

    Everything from chipmunks to cougars. :D

    I haven't even decided if I will go yet! :P

    Well, there's snipers, which you probably know the purpose... Anti tank gunners (which might be an average soldier with a rocket launcher with him; I just am putting it in its own area), where your purose is mostly damaging vehicles... Anti aircraft gunners, but I doubt they need any, so... There's gunners, one of the main infantry killers, grenaidiers, sort of the in-between soldier for vehicles and infantry. Then the medics.

    I'm just incredibly... disturbed by human gore and such. I'd probably faint or something, then the next medic would have to come along and figure out why I wasn't moving even though I had no wounds. :D

    Yeah, Mug is the best. Or Barqs. Herbal iced sound alright, at least.
    I drink it too, along with coffee and tea. :P (Yeah, it is supposedly bad for your teeth, but it's so good....)

    It does for me, too. Oh, and I'm a slow runner too. D:


    Odd. (Also, a dying seal...? XD)

    Sacramento? And no, Idaho hasn't had an earthquake in a long time, to my knowledge. We're supposed to get one if the rockies break or something, though.

    Oh, the snow isn't at my house., it's in the mountains I go to for fishing.
    I could never live somewhere that warm. (Oh, and kill the seagulls with a cyanide sandwich.)

    Depends on what other people consider a cold day, and what I consider a cold day. (I wear shorts in the snow, and am bvasicallly resistant to cold.) Usually the thirties is 'cold', but I think 0-10 is kind of cold.

    I've built walls, a Caterpie (Wcich looked more like an average caterpiller, tbh), and snowmen. My dad is the guy to talk to for that stuff. He built a five foot tall panda last year. :D

    Rarely. The roads are usually well kept.
    No idea. Since him and his siblings happen to have an interest in military stuff also, it could be a raid of say... Pakistan trying to capture Russian intelligence. I don't quite know yet, though. I haven't talked to them about it yet.

    Well, anything's edible! You could eat uranium mixed with sulfur and cyanide, but it doesn't mean you should eat it! (Though locusts are perfectly fine, I think. Grasshoppers are edible, and they resemble a hoppa...)


    Well, I guess we'll find out when A: Sattelites are launched to other galaxies: B: They visit us: C: The aformentioned 'when we die' thing. :P

    I'd be... suited for the military. I hunt, and am a talented marksman/sniper according to people. Oh, and I make bombs. (Even though it's illegal, it's interesting work; though it sounds weird, it's relaxing.)
    I wouldn't enjoy killing people, but if I didn't kill them, they'd kill me. :/
    Ah, well. I'm glad you don't want me to die. :D
    Oh, and just 'cause I'm interested, what type of soldier would you train to be if you were forcefully recruited? I'd probably be a sniper. I'd suck as an ATG, AAG, gunner, grenaidier and I'd really suck as a medic.

    I'm partial to Root Beer myself, as long as it isn't A&W.
    Herbal iced tea might actually work; I think that might be what Pureleaf is.
    It makes me light-headed, and I'm not even an asthmatic. I feel sorry for you.

    If you don't mind saying, where do you live, anyway? (I understand if you don't want to tell)
    It's warming up again. D: It gets to about 36-40 in the day, 25-32 at night right now, here. About two inches of snow melted already.
    I see snow in June and I'm still fascinated by it. xD You can ball it up and pelt people with it, build non-permanent structures out of it, even use it as decent blowgun ammo!
    Ah, I'm glad you like it! I invent most of my Creation names like that, to be honest. I got stuff like... Favaviel which I just invented from no basis whatsoever. It's an icy wolf thing. I honestly just looked at it and said: "That is Favaviel." And then well... there's like many more I just name that way.

    Oh, I will! Actually, one time... we did a bit of a mature scene. It wasn't like... outright sexual or anything, but it was like, the two were about to do it... and then... KABOOOOM! It was kinda funny, 'cause like, after that, she ran away crying to see their other friend and just popped into his room on fire and in her underwear. (She was mostly clothed, just didn't have any pants on.) It'll probably happen for kissing scenes too. I'll make sure to show you the kissing scene!

    Hmm... probably. I think it glows in the dark from previously collected energy.

    Oh, I'm glad you like it! Aaah, if you'd like to see more... well, I'm still working on it. I got like a whole page on a website I made dedicated to Creations... it's incomplete though and needs vast revising. I don't fancy myself that good of a writer though!

    Thank you! Yeah, it is. I always... automatically draw dogs when I'm doodling. Weird dogs with horns on their heads. And yeah... I had a bit of trouble with standing dogs too. The paws... they take a bit to make look good. Practice and a little looking on DA for tutorials helps! I found some tutorials from some friends once... very helpful.

    Whoo! It seems pretty interesting... I think it might be weak against Flying-type because wind can blow away fog. And Defog, you know?

    That sounds pretty interesting, actually. And like my type of story! I write complicated things like that too. I like that biy about... the illegal battle items. I've actually never thought of something like that. Are there illegal TMs too? Of like... really mega powerful moves that are banned or something? You're only on Chapter 2? Whoa... it must be long. But I'd definitely take a look at it! It can't hurt to post it here, I'd say. I mean, if people don't comment, what's the worst that can happen? And there's the possibility that they might!

    Ah, that... every so often, I have a bit of a downfall... had one today, to be honest. Kinda a confusing day... I've just been a bit off since I have to look into the past for my story, which is based on my life, and it's painful to look at happy and sad times. Thank you for the offer though. I'm glad to hear that someone cares. :3 And don't worry about school! I know how often it gets in the way.
    Heh, it's a bit hard in particular with me. The way I invent names tends to be... erratic. Words I think sound pretty and such. Sometimes I'll just put in random letters in things without any basis.

    It really is. She does so usually... there's probably going to be a scene where her and her boyfriend are kissing and she... explodes in mid-kiss. Sometimes, she just sets things randomly on Fire too or firebreathes when she's about to say something.

    Oooh, thanks! I'm mostly keeping the design intact, I just need to tweak a few things. The claws were just a random doodle, ahaha. Glad you like the female's colour scheme! The things on their backs, I thought, are actually light panels that collect energy. Something sort of odd and random.

    You do? Have I shown you any of my writing? I don't remember that... I don't think I'm that good, really. I tend to lack in description and be... oddly poetic and metaphorical. Particularly with this story I'm writing for NaNo... it's rather off, to be honest.

    Oh, I'm actually really good at dogs! I draw them all the time... they're my favourite thing. I just hate things with tiny snouts like cats or humans which don't have a snout. I can see how they'd be sort of hard though.

    Well, I always thought of a Vapor-type somewhere in there, if they had Water and Ice. It sounds like one of those. But ah, cool, yes.

    Oooh, really? Good thing I could help then! That fanfic sounds interesting, what's it going to be about?
    I might invite him out next week. Me, him and his two sibling make amatuer movies together, which I've been planning one staged in Russia, seeing as there's five inches of snow right now. :D

    I really have no theory on nutrition for that time period, so.
    ...but it is possible to get water from a rock (under given circumstances), and locusts are edible. :|

    Nope. I didn't get a concussion or anything. I just blacked out for around 10 seconds.
    ...I'm just accident-prone. Everything I touch finds a way to injure me in a minor fashion. Strangely, though, apart from my finger, I've never broken a bone either.

    God could have created the mater, but I still have no idea. It seems like if he truly shaped the universe, he would have placed humans in it earlier. Maybe he placed them in other galaxies before ours, though.

    Mmm, I haven't read the whole bible, so I've never heard that line. I still have no idea about the world, though. It's a question that I prefer to avoid coming to conclusions with, because there is really no answer.

    Christianity may be the right religion. I guess we both will find out when we die. (Which may truly come soon for me; I have this want to join the army, even though it may cost me my life. Five more years, and I've got a decision, I guess.)

    You have to avoid tea too? I'm glad I'm not a mormon. I love tea, iced tea in particular.
    Mormons 'round here drink sprite, I've noticed.
    I personally think tobacco should be a banned product for everyone. It should cease to exist; it kills people, and it's bad for the environment if you smoke it.

    Heh, now I apologize for the late reply. The amount of snow and wind we've been gettig keep knocking out my internet. D:
    I actually can't remember! Ahaha. Voi was definitely based on Void. But the rest, I believe, were just random combinations of words related to the English names of the elements or... my own random concoctions. Ah, I'm glad you think it's cool. :3

    She's good with Fire, Mind, and Life, mainly. Although she doesn't control magic as good as other characters, ahaha. Since her main element is Fire, she has a tendency to randomly explode. It's more in a comical vein and often used for jokes.

    I'll show you then! Here. Planning on making it more monkey and lionlike. I drew it a long time ago, so my style's definitely improved. It also has a female version.

    It's always good to revise, yeah. Make designs more elaborate and such. The only thing I fail at revising is writing. I HATE doing that, ahaha. But yeah, I get what you mean. It's hard for me to draw certain animals too... (like cats, cough cough.)

    Oh? Fog-type? That's an interesting new type. Is it a counterpart to Water and Ice? I rather like the sword and odd expression. :3 And how it needs water to live.

    Ah, that one's cool too! It seems like... a funny-looking animal. Interesting how it picks up radio waves though. Maybe it communicates with things from outerspace? :P

    Oh, it's fine, I understand.

    You're welcome!
    Yup. Saw him last month.

    But the people exiled from Egypt, therefore Moses also, were at a severe lack of nutrition. Actually, everyone was at some point of malnutriotion, I'd bet.
    I've been knocked out once; flew off a railsled and landed headfirst on a patch of ice.
    You're lucky. Even little things end up injuring me. Moving my arm wrong at karate got it dislocated and made me unable to use it days, stepping in a hole and spraining my ankle, breaking my finger building a deck for a tree fort... I still don't think that god saved you, though.

    Well..... I mostly agree with the big bang theory, though with some differences. First off, I don't think the world was the size of a pinhead. I think that it was smaller, but not tiny. Maybe the planets grew rather than rapidly expanded.
    Why I don't agree with the galaxy 'exploding into life' is that the planets would be shredded in such a large amount of energy and matter being released, wouldn't they? This is also sort of the line that makes me agnostic rather than atheist. I think that something might have created the matter making up our galaxy rather than it just appearing. But I really don't know.

    And I also don't believe that we are positioned *exactly* where life is best sustained. There could be a planet with perfect air, minerals unknown to earth or completely pure water.

    Mmm, I'll find out if god is real when I die. I'll just keep from doing something as bad as serial murder until then.

    I would go insane without coffee and soda. Oh, and I kinda like Kronik, so I wouldn't like to give that up, either.

    Ah, don't worry about late replies. I don't charge late fees. :P

    I just think stuff through too hardly sometimes, which is what killed my faith. How can someone live hundreds of years, part an entire sea with their raised arm, sway the outcome of a battle by standing on a hill?
    I don't find it that bad to not know where I'm going when I die... I didn't believe in heaven or hell very strongly even when I was a Christian.

    Ah. I couldn't live being a mormon. I'd break all the rules.
    Ah, yes! In this world, everything can use magic.

    Thank you. :3 Things are named with a special prefix according to their element. So uh... Rena = Fire, Falla = Earth, Nali = Reality, Neo = Mind, Cete/Cet = Water, Brei = Air, Voi = Nothing, and Laith = Life. Laithscream is a Life-element spell!

    Oh, there most certainly is! That's Breifloat. My character can't use it though, she fails at Air, ahaha.

    You've seen it? I didn't show it to you, have I? Ah, I'm really obsessive with revising everything. And may I see some of your fakemon?

    Ew! Homework is always everywhere... though I imagine I'll have loads of it too when I go back to school. Good luck with your bundle though.
    (I share your pain; I get windstorms every few weeks or so that kill my connection.)

    I have a few friends that do that, too. One went to South America last year.

    I was raised Christian (Catholic to be exact), but I consider myself agnostic because I just don't believe in any diety very strongly.
    Thanks! Well... I haven't actually quite organized the attacks yet, but I have a specific spellpool that all the Creations can get their attacks from. (Like Pokemon; except that humans can use these spells too.) I guess one would be Laithscream, which is like... a sort of screeching attack that hurts the ears of the opponent. And Laithnoise too, just makes lots of noise. As for smell, I haven't actually really invented any spells pertaining to that yet! Good idea though...

    Ah, it's more lion than monkey. But that was the general extremely screwed up idea behind it. It's not really finished yet, so I need to like... redraw it better.

    (Ah, one of the things I don't miss is homework! Aah.)
    I told you! Ah, my mind doesn't stop with this... weirdness.

    Oh, they're not called types either like Pokemon! Just simply Nothing-elemental, Mind-elemental, etc. But I'm glad you like them. The Mind one sort of represents like... drama. As in, dramatic plays. Its face is like one of those drama masks. Certain Mind ones do, yeah. Some just are generally Mind, others fit into different sub-elements more.

    Oh, here it is! Something that's not a paint doodle for once! Wow. Ah, I'd think up all these odd combinations when I was younger... I tried a monkey and a lion too.

    Thank you! I usually just tend to doodle things randomly and then I get the ideas about them later though, ahaha.

    (Oh, that's fine! Homework is... really bad. >: But at least it's over!)
    I'm glad you think so! Ahaha. Mind is sort of like the Psychic-type except things that telekinesis don't really go there nor does seeing into the future. That goes into Reality because Reality = Time and Space, so you see into the future using that. And telekinesis would go into Air 'cause you make stuff float in the air when you're all... going about it. Reality pretty much is the entirely fabric of Reality, and Nothing is the... opposite of that. It's the gaps of Nothingness inbetween the fabric of Reality and is... a complicated element that can pretty much also represent nonspecificity. It pretty much relies on the theory that everything is something specific and nonspecific things are not anything. Confusing, but it just basically erases things from existance. Doesn't kill, just... erases. Yeah, I'm crazy complicated, ahaha. Nothing Creations usually tend to be... blank and simple and sort of generic, and they don't have eyes a lot. This is a Paint doodle example of one. Then Mind ones... they vary a whole lot because that element has a lot of stuff in it. It's split into Thoughts, Emotions, and Senses. Here's an example of a Mind one!

    Ditto is sort of random, but it's a logical progression; have a blob thing that can imitate the others. Mine are just right off the bat nuts. Like a hybrid of a skunk and a bat is one example. And you saw some of the ones for the examples I showed are... kinda abstract and nonsensical, ahaha. I've made... gosh, I don't even know. I only have 198 numbered and in a chart so far... but I still have to number many more. So probably over 200 or so.
    Oh, well, they don't typically evolve. That's a really really rare example, and it's called something different which is more accurate: metamorphing. Also, well, there are only eight elements (Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, the classical ones. And then weird ones like Mind, Life, Reality, and Nothing. The elements are very very very broad and intended to encompass EVERYTHING. There is no "non-elemental." For instance, Fire is like more generally heat energy, so Electricity fits into it. And Ice is just solid Water, so it goes in there too.) instead of the large amount of types that there is that they can be, and they can only be ONE of them. No... dual-elemented ones. A lot of them just tend to be random monsters I doodle and former fakemon that I know don't really fit as Pokemon (like that one for example), but are perfect as Creations (with a capital C!) because Creations aren't really based on mythological creatures or specific things like that, they're just based on pretty much whatever I feel like creating.

    I like consistency! But yes, thank you, ahaha.
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