Hm, yeah, UM's been pretty similar overall, but I would say it's technically more interesting so far. Definitely wouldn't bother getting the original SM when these exist, but of course it's already too late for that, ahaha, ha... ha... I'm not actually quite finished with the main story yet (just the E4/champ to go, though), so I can't comment on Rainbow Rocket right now.
Yeah, it's probably not worth bothering with Altair (or its companion version Sirius), honestly; all the same fakemon but Vega has more, hard-to-take-seriously rehash of Emerald's plot, grinding, etc.. I don't believe Vega's story requires knowledge of the prequels, and the translation patch download includes a summary anyway I think, so starting with the more polished game is probably fine! If you can stomach grinding/stock up on illicit rare candies, anyway.
Hm, yeah, Essentials games would be a hassle, wouldn't they? Unfortunately I don't keep up with the hacking scene very much, so I don't have any more specific recommendations, but I'm sure there are plenty on PC or something that are worth a look!
Also, wait, what? There's an AAI3? Man, I pay precisely *no* attention to that fandom considering I love the games so much. (That or my memory is super bad, considering I do follow Court-Records' Tumblr...) Must go searching, then!
Hm... I think things have mostly settled down on the mail theft front, but the trouble is it'd be easier to be sure if I knew for a fact when to expect the package, like with tracking and such, so I'd know immediately if something went wrong. Like, we still get Amazon stuff delivered here, but they text you and all that. The other address is probably still best for now. Thank you!
My holidays have been pretty good, yeah; I hope yours were, too! And I hope you found a decent cooking class as well, haha.