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  • All I've got is that somehow there are three Majoras, which are of course the legendaries. And the three days are the thirty pokemon?

    No, although I've heard a lot of good things about the game! I suppose I'll have to try it sometime.
    This is the only thing I can think of when I see your usertitle. (Or at least the one you show on the ASB posts.)

    It's interesting to think over, how to twist the entire Battle for Asber thing into a Majora's Mask reference!
    Also, there are like a baker's dozen of people with pokemon with sig moves that are being used in the battle of Asber. Can you get those approved/rejected before? Sorry if I asked a bit too much, but.
    I'm sorry for being the most impatient butt ever, but when exactly is it starting? Hour? Half?
    The group should be gone now, I think!

    EDIT: Yeah, it's disappeared for me.
    We were having trouble figuring out how to actually delete it; I'm pretty sure it'll be gone soon enough.
    If I recall correctly, he had a post in the Absence Sheet. Not sure if it's been a month though.
    Hm. I could've sworn that there was something about one of the mods not being able to find a deleted usergroup in this thread; I know it happened somewhere. :/ Do you see anything deleted, or am I thinking of something else?
    Can you see the deleted topics on this? What about on social groups as a whole?
    Well, a quick search only suggested that the winner of a tourney would get a legendary (it was something along the lines of "lol legendary??" so). That's the only thing I could find, though.
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