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  • I meant specifically making it so the mods can't see that one unless specifically invited to join; I take it to mean that's not possible?
    Can you make some social groups invisible to specific members (or everyone who isn't a member of the specific social group), even if they're mods? This one, specifically; it's supposed to be invisible to those who aren't members but apparently Viki can see it anyway.
    Out of curiosity, what were the other events that made it possible to obtain a legendary? There haven't been any for a while, right? Since I don't remember any at all hurr.
    Haha, I have no idea! I just randomly found it on tumblr and it really made my day.
    That avatar is amazing.

    Also, it reminds me that I didn't manage to get Ghost Trick before my DS got busted.
    Rock wrecker wouldn't count as a move that requires terrain resources, would it? I sorta presumed that the Pokémon just created the rocks on their own, but your description of Crustle using it seemed to imply otherwise.
    I was going to wait until the end of the month to claim all the massive loot from the NaNoWriMo, but, I guess I'd better get to that as soon as I'm outrunning the commands again.
    For a moment, I misread the new activity bonus as being a pay cut. Namely, one that would make it so any reffing, regardless of referee level, would be worth $1/Pokémon.

    And then there was my face when I thought this was happening the day I got to elite.
    Yeah, energy cost, especially if it's received by a Pokemon that has more than 50% health remaining, for example.
    Just curious, how would coming up with a different damage and energy scale affect promotion (applications) and the like?
    Haven't put it back yet, mostly because I want a better way to handle it than the tabs it was using before but am currently too lazy to set up an image map. Was there something you needed to know?
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