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  • Thanks for putting up an energy and damage guide, it's really helpful. The damage doesn't seem to be calculated any differently, but should we use this energy calculator rather than Kratos'?
    So wait, I can remove that specific one and get the candy back? How?


    /Stupid. Ok. Thanks.
    Hey Neg! I was rather stupid and used a rare candy on a Riolu... yeah nothing happend... does that EXP exist? I mean idk could I use it for you Lacuna Labs?
    Of course you can't!

    Bluh. I wanted to lose in an actual battle rather than by DQ... it's just so disappointing, you know what I mean?
    Crap, I'll probably have to figure out a contest score for Sky Drop. I'm pretty sure it's not similar enough to Fly to warrant a copypaste.
    Not much here, either! My class schedule is slightly silly but I am mostly enjoying it except for when my 2D art class expects me to paint, what is this, why is there paint I DON'T LIKE PAINT i will just glower and hope for more projects involving either pen or charcoal ; ; I bought like all of the pens at Plaza Art Supplies recently, by which I mean I now have a metric fuckton of similar but distinct black pens. Possibly I should get some non-black pens, but maybe later.

    I've been spending a lot of time in a pre-migraine daze, which isn't great but at least I haven't been noticing much in the way of actual migraines (just this constant sensation that I'll probably be unhappy in a bit but right now everything is funny; I guess it's autumn) and then later I can look at stupid stuff I said and giggle. And occasionally wonder what in the worlds I was thinking. It's amusing, if not exactly ideal, and I'll probably be on actually useful meds in a week or so, so that will be good. But for now I'm just trying to avoid doing anything where people expect me to be, like, responsible, and just keep giggling faintly about whatever.

    What are your classes like? Are they interesting? How do they compare to the adventures of birdwatching in ... Assateague? Were you on Assateague? That sounds right, anyway.

    The park by my house has a breeding pair of green herons in it. :3
    Well, I was comparing it to Magma Storm, which is also a legendary move that, if I recall correctly, has wide-ranged targeting. Which is how I noticed the absence of the Crowd Distraction category.
    Question! I just noticed that in my business, $13 things have a $7 overhead and $15 things have a $9 overhead, but $14 things also have a $9 overhead. Is this intentional? I make the same profit on $13 things as I do on $15 things, but less profit on $14 things. Sooo I think that 9 should actually be an 8?
    At the risk of being hardcore ignored, the fifth-generation moves have no contest effect. Do I just try to come up with something whenever one comes up? The one that did this time was Searing Shot, by the way.

    Also, there seems to be a "Crowd Distraction" category that isn't described by the A&A Guide in spite of appearing under a few moves. Is it, by any chance, that the category ruse is a DISTACTION?
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