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  • Is it just me, or did that convenient ol' Metronome Generator go down?
    I found this in July 2000, so it was posted some time before that—if we had gotten the localized names they were still brand new to us, so the author may not have have had much time to get used to "Morty" when this was written.

    Then again, in the sentence where she blows up Haunter it's referred to as "Ghost", and I'm still not sure whether that's an improperly capitalized and article-less attempt to describe it as "the ghost" or a slip of its Japanese name.
    It does have a purpose - it's still recording when people view threads, which is being used both for the display-unread-news-at-the-top hack and the mafia hack.
    I don't even know, man. I guess so, since Morty (with his fabulous magical blue hair, why does he have blue hair) seems to want her to turn those eye-lasers toward blasting the shit out of Team Rocket and someone else. After which she will probably find someone else to turn into a doll since her mom is dead. So touched.
    The hack was never deactivated; the list was just taken off because supposedly it saves a somewhat significant amount of processing on the server and could have been contributing to the 500 errors. (Well, specifically, it supposedly saves a somewhat significant amount of processing on the server to disable the "Users viewing this thread right now" feature, and disabling that automatically removed the "Users who have ever read this thread" display.)
    What are you talking about ;-; it's not creepy to have someone try to rape the main character before she rips their head off and makes a hilariously witty quip about it, it is dramatic and deep

    (no seriously, that "next time it will be in their salad" line could almost have been awesome... in any story but this one, pffft

    ...even though I feel like that line probably came from something else in the first place. Eh.)
    Yes, but to be fair, so were a lot of other things I remember enjoying that were probably just as hilarious. TPM's fic crew's standards were a bit... lower back then, I suppose. Not that I apparently knew the difference.

    Even if I couldn't ultimately find this story in the web archive, though, you could probably dig through it and turn up a fair few examples of similar stuff that got a similar rating. Maybe not all in English as badly mangled as some passages of this—I'm almost tempted to guess that English wasn't Anoon's first language (though perhaps that's being generous given how many native speakers somehow manage to be even worse than this)—but every bit as ridiculous and awkward.

    You know, I might just have to go through those archives one day and see if I can find any of the other stories I remember. Like that one where Giovanni had a bunch of gyarados hyper beam some random girl to death over something really stupid. Priceless.
    Mkay, how much creative leeway does a ref get? I imagine that having a Grimer clinging to you would slow you down if you're not drastically larger than it. It wouldn't be a problem but said Ninjask's Ability has been changed to Water Absorb so it's not getting the Speed Boost.
    There was something to worry about. Clothes hung on her, skin on palms of hands and face reminded dry paper. Only eyes kept the sapphire gleam of whom she used to be.
    Veekun is always wrong, no exceptions

    They say Primeape is a fighting type, for christ's sake! Any fanboy worth his salt knows he's a poison/electric mon
    Cool. I look forward to seeing whatever else comes along with the return of the metronome generator. (And this mystery name, heh.)

    Not at the moment; there are a few places I remember looking at a while ago I can check, and I have until next April or so to make a decision if I don't want to shell out another $42, so... we'll see!
    It is, possibly. I shall get to the bottom of it as soon as this bizarre technical difficulty decides it's done messing around.

    Oh, yeah, they're supposed to be pretty good. Are you going to be able to do the Python stuff you want with them, too, though, or are you just not worrying about that for now?

    I think I might be looking to move soonish, too, actually. Apparently they finally decided to start charging me the same price for my grandfathered-in package that they'd actually be selling it for (and didn't tell me before the invoice for 10 extra bucks I almost didn't have came in, whoooops). And while I don't mind paying that much for those additional features and all I don't know that I can, so... eh!

    What domain is this you're after, eh?
    So we do, in fact, share the same time.

    Why is it that I always assume that every single moderator/administrator is British?
    Um, out of complete and utter curiosity, what timezone are you in? Considering that in my time (GMT -4), you're usually online in the early, early morning hours (eg. 3-5 AM) except for, from what I've witnessed, some days like today, in which you were on at more reasonable times (9 PM)!

    If you'd rather not divulge that, I'm sorry for the intrusion, but it's simply that your patterns are so strange that I had to ask.
    That was counting total visits, so it could be any number of pages starting from any location on the site. There are a few other things that people do know about (e.g. Sandstone_Shadow's website) that would still contribute to the rest of the 1600, too, but... I guess?

    ...though now I can't double check because for some reason it's showing me the "all domains" numbers no matter which site I try to filter down to? Huh. I guess I'm mildly curious now so I'll probably check again later to see how the rest of it breaks down.

    Where are you looking at hosting, then?
    They do monitor it; I'm just having a little trouble getting it to show me stuff from my previous billing period is all (since a new cycle started a few days ago). I'm not really looking all that hard, tbh.

    Keep in mind that a lot of it is Google/Yahoo bots, and that I also have a ton of other experimental/test/school things I don't tell people about but are probably being picked up by the bots occasionally anyway. (I need to go through and put robots.txt files on a lot of that stuff for school/secrecy anyway, oops.) It's not that AO is staggeringly popular or anything. Also, all the artwork on some of the sites is going to add up, and I don't think you'd have all that much?

    That said, over that brief period all my projects total got maybe 1500-1600 hits a day, down from 2000-2500 around the second half of September. By comparison, AO itself is getting ~300/day, and the Phoenixdex gets ~480/day.
    I... don't know? I can't find a specific number after a cursory look through my package information, although over the past ~three days I think my sites (all of them combined) have used an average of 579mb/"unlimited". (For some non-unlimited value of "unlimited" that, according to what I recall when I bought the package four years ago, should be greater than 1.2tb but probably isn't quite that generous in reality.)

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