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  • Sorry to bother but I had mentioned in the description that I'd also like Phish's ability to be Adaptability.
    With that battle I finished for Kusari and Grass King, you only would have automatically given me the $2 prize money, right? I just realized I never claimed the reffing itself, and I'm wondering if I just forgot it or what.

    And what about the other question? Will it be possible in a later evolution stage? I recall Pokémon being able to learn a small amount of moves for heavier energy cost.
    Well, If a dual-typed Pokémon changes one of its types and have a matching movepool modification, it doesn't "lose" any moves since the moves gained make up for it, but mono-types mons, if they change type (as in add a secondary type), they have to give up an additional amount of moves (for example, four gained and six lost).

    As you may have noticed, I am very fond of of giving sig attributes and moves to every single Pokémon I own, so before actually posting anything, I wanted to ask you some questions just to be sure:

    I. I know for a fact that you can change a Dual-typed Pokémon's typing (ex: from Fire/Rock to Fire/Steel) and add a movepool modification that has an amount of added moves equal (and somewhat balanced) to the amount of moves removed. But if I give a secondary typing to a mono-typed Pokémon (like Dark to Dark/Electric) do I have to remove more moves than the amount added to make up for it?

    II. Would it be possible to give free moves to first-stagers (on a three-stage line), for about 4% more energy to use them (not much, about 3 moves), as a signature attribute? I'm thinking about veeery useful things like Snatch, Taunt and Magic Coat as well as weak but so damn useful damaging moves like Drain Punch.
    On TV. Live would be great, but nigh impossible; while it is in my country they're playing, it's not in my state, and besides, the tickets are so hard to get, I didn't even get to see them in my hometown. But eh, on TV, it'll still be great.
    On the other hand, Metallica is about to play, and I'll be watching.
    I lost access to my computer. It's out of battery, the charger is busted and the mail service has gone on strike, so it'll be a while until I can have a new one.

    Though, thinking about it, I might be able to interpret the night events without checking the role list.
    If there were any, they're gone.

    There's been many plans for rebuilding, but I've been kinda out of touch.
    What you know, the guy who was messing around actually intended to restore it after pinkfacing and deleting everything, but he accidentally took the forum out.

    Oh well. Not that it was that alive anymore to begin with.
    Is it possible to change my Eevee's gender? I got it as a birthday gift, so I wasn't able to choose the gender.
    Well, I think I'll still go ahead with that, if it's fine. :3 because really how many ways can one mess up a battle with only one move
    I've been having a considerable tad more these days, for a variety of reasons.
    That would have been so cool, though! I mean, hurting yourself while using a ghost-type move to activate colour change and make all your opponent's attacks miss

    that wouldn't have worked would it have
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