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  • Would a Grimer attempting to latch onto a Ninjask be considered an attacking move as far as Taunt is concerned? I say no because the intent is to just attach to the Ninjask, not to cause harm (the next move is to Minimize to conceal the Grimer on the Ninjask's person), but I can edit it if you think differently
    Well, it's pretty much the same except that instead of legendaries its just a thunderbolt that struck the egg during the thunderstorm caused by thundurus (its relatively indirect so I'm guessing it's ok) and Nemo actually absorbing the energy of the thunder to keep on living, and then it's cells adapting that energy and becoming electricity producing cells. Or something.

    Yeah I have no imagination.
    What would be a suitable excuse for an electric Solosis to forget Rock and Steel-type moves? He shouldn't logically get them in the first place >:|
    In my battle against Wargle, should I lead up with my Machop, how much damage would he cause with Bullet Punch? And what about Vacuum Wave?
    I've totally lost the link to that website with the Metronome generator and the event move list on it. I think if was your website, or at least that you had the link--may I have it?
    If you don't mind me asking, but is it alright for me to post a sig attribute/move for my Beautifly, since I forgot to when I evolved her, even though she's been a beautifly for some time now? Or would I not be allowed to do that?

    I have a feeling this answer is so blatantly obvious and that I already know it/should already know it that it is utterly embarrassing that I don't.
    Did you, by any chance, forget to issue commands in your battle against Grass King? Not rushing or anything like that, of course, just asking.
    Is there any sort of thread or resource describing Asber's fakemon? :B

    eta UNrelatedly but my name is already on the birthday thread (I barely even remember joining ASB the however many years ago haha); could you edit the entry under 30 Nov from 'MidnightSaboteur' to Clover? :D I rejoined at just the right time, haha; two months should be enough to get my name out there and rake in some gifts~~ :B if any of my battles ever get picked up by a ref, anyway.

    -- oh that reminds me, I noticed that my and Zhorken's battle isn't up on the challenge board~! Is that some sort of Negrekian Plot to get you vs zhorken reffed first. >B

    eta II: Also about how long do the mock reffings get rotated? I would start the novice one but it's already had some people go for it and if you were going to rotate them again soon I ... yeah.
    Would it be acceptable to reserve a spot on a tag battle when both of my active battles are neeearly done (like, one round left)?

    [Assuming my battle slots are filled]
    Oh, alright. Maybe I can have added on when he evolves, along with some sort of negative side effect.
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