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  • So, on contest battles. Do the Pokémon start at zero points and 0% nervousness? And can they reach negative levels in either aspect? Also, if a move misses or otherwise fails to affect the target, are points lost?
    Wait, shouldn't I have only gotten $8 just now? I assumed the $15 would be split between RTB and I as usual.
    Yeah, that's what I thought. Actually it was more of an expressive adjective to say that it was a VEWY STWONG TBOLT

    Other than that, you asked me to remove the 2% recoil, but while adding it I also removed STAB from Nemo's electric typing, so I was guessing it all evened out in the end.
    Well, the thunder gave away a huge deal of energy when it struck Nemo, and it's that energy surge that caused his body to react that way. This, coupled with the fact that he already had somewhat mastered electricity, shifted his cellular structure to become an electricity-producing cell.

    It really is because of the thunder + the fact that he was already susceptible to react to electricity.
    Honestly, I don't see what's so wrong with Nemo's backstory. I mean, there has to be something that provoked his metamorphosis, Solosis don't just turn yellow by playing with the electronic circuits of a submarine.
    hello i was just wondering if it pisses you off when people repeatedly post sig stuff to approve because the feeling i'm abusing this slowly crawls upon me
    Oh, sorry then. I meant for my second post to replace the first but poor communication skills derp
    Wait, do you give end-of-match when you tag it, or when you see the post in the Bank thread?

    Because I just realized I don't post my end-of-match monies in the bank thread
    whoops seems I don't know how to look for things and I actually get two exp for Haneul/Eos and one for Static hahaha I can count.
    I'm recording the results of my uh disappearance and could I claim the exp from these battles or..? I'm pretty sure the exp from these weren't recorded. vs blazheirio889, vs Kratos Aurion, vs Mad MOAI forever shame
    Well, I already made a series of advance rolls through more complicated means. If it's not back up by the time I need to be randomizing attacks again, however, I might need some rolls sent.
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