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  • Hey, Negrek. In our tourney battle, I deleted my most recent post because I thought I'd thought of something better and was planning to post it soon after, but then I realized I should stick with plan A, so... Could you undelete my post? (you can do that right herp)
    I'm pretty sure I'm not the first who tried. And I don't recall how well the others did.
    I don't recall whether your last Absence Sheet post counts, but, I'm pretty sure this is more than anything else a reminder, so, extremely late DQ warning.

    Also, I keep mistaking you for Lord of the Fireflies because of that avatar.
    Yeah. I would at least like to see the role breakdown; hopefully she'll post that if the game really is dead.
    Quick glance at the inbox says early July. She was asking if people were still interested in restarting it, and I said yes, but I guess not too many others did. >>; And my role was so much fun, too. Phooey.
    There are a lot of things that need changing there, but I think I was waiting on stuff and then just changing all of it at once. Eventually.

    I was sort of hopeful that the game would come back when Butterfree sent out that PM to all the living players, but it appears that that is not to be. Le sigh.
    Hey! Quick question: how often does A Small Orange bill you for your plan? Is it annually, biannually, monthly...?
    Also missing from the contest categories (although one can assume the meaning of this one with ease): Order Dependent.
    And further Contest-related buggering: I have absoultely no idea how to work with Freeze Bolt.
    Hey, just wondering what I should do about this battle. Aethelstan hasn't been on in a while, but he has a note in his signature explaining his absence. How much time should I give him?
    More on missing contest categories: Condition Fueled is also absent.
    Another tough one is Flame Charge. I'm between having it score Pure Points (like Flame Wheel) or making it First-Priority.
    I will admit it's not quite as good as the first four chapters, but hey, it's got to be better than whatever else has happened, right?
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