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  • The blame for this tragedy goes to these people who were mentioning the possibility of adorable mini-Giratina in the legend fight.
    if another pokémon is added to giratina's stomach-space, will all the pokémon inside share a death counter, or would their death counters be separate?
    I would like to become a novice ASB referee. When are the next mock battles going to be up?
    If someone else sends in commands for the Vespiquen it's fine by me, it just means that I wasn't able to PM them at the time when the plan(s) were agreed upon. I should be able to it's just a precaution.
    incidentally, if one of the legendaries uses a direct healing move, does it regain a full 500 health (at the cost of 250 energy)?
    I accepted a battle with sreservoir, but it hasn't been added to the list. It's not a big issue, seeing as how I already have two other battles going, just bringing it to your attention.
    "Second, your pokémon will enter battle at whatever evolutionary stage will be had when the battle began."

    is that when the actual battling begins, or when the battle thread went up?

    (also, what's with the ... quite odd grammar?)
    What time of day is the Battle for Asber taking place at? I'm assuming night, but.
    How do I decide which limbs get frozen? Are they completely immobilized? How many actions is several actions? Just... how does it work? I'm looking for the same sort of explanation you gave me on all the other statuses, I guess.
    Well, I've actually never beaten it either. I love the game, though.

    It won't load, but I watched a video of it; Missile is really cute and the game seems great! :D Although I'm pretty sure I'll still fail spectactularly when it comes to actually playing it. (Also the music is really cool!)
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