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  • Now I'm kind of torn. Everyone says surprises are nice, but there's always the risk that the surprise doesn't actually match up with what one actually wants!
    I see you have gotten around to changing the names of one of the Lutchriums! Not taking up on my offer to use them together in a double battle?

    On a side note you are terribly difficult to Christmas-shop for, why don't you keep a wishlist
    Question: any gift Pokémon I send somebody stays in my squad until the actual exchange, right?
    Maybe hack something? Granted, it might be less than pratical as an immediate measure, but it'd definitely work next year.
    I was reading through your conversation with MF since I kinda have the same issue; christmas shopping is pretty obvious. So would it be hard for you to create a "secret box" on the ASB panel, so people wouldn't see what we bought? I'm no programmer, so I don't know how hard it would be :/
    Ah, I remembered stuff wrong. The rule that Pokémon given out had to be functionally existant was around last year as well. I must have confused the coupons from the Isshu expedition and what I had been intending for an eventual exchange in my own league (which ended up never happening).

    One way or the other, the fact that one can buy Pokémon without going through the PRO helps keep the gifts, so to say, under wraps much better.
    Wasn't there a coupon thingy last Christmas present exchange? If I recall correctly, it was helpful because then people didn't have to make their christmas shopping obvious.
    I saw that my battle with L'il Dwagie was closed and tagged, and all my Pokemon got their EXP except for my Froslass. I forget if she had one or two EXP before, but she got 3 EXP from that battle, so she should be at 4 or 5 EXP, yes?
    Because usually, it's done reeeeeally quickly, like, as soon as you're online, so I was just wondering.

    God Negrek why are you so good at making me feel bad >:|
    I never got this after I accepted it as a late birthday present. Did I not accept it correctly or..?
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