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  • Hi! How've you been doing? I gather you're keeping up with grad school okay given that you're still finding time to ref?
    Hey, umm, would it alright if I become a referee? If so, how do I go about doing so? I think I will be a great ref.
    Building on Skyman's question about a sleeping Pokemon using Sleep Talk, then waking up and being Encored, what if the sleeping Pokemon used Chill instead? Would it be Encored into Chilling?
    Hey, Negrek, I'm wondering if a command like "Set up a substitute if opponent uses toxic" would work or if the Pokémon, even though it is faster, would get hit by a toxic anyway because it would have to wait for the opponent to see what it would use. What about if it were "Set up a substitute if opponent uses screech"?
    Hello! I was kinda thinking of getting back into ASBery, and was wondering if you could maybe revive my old squad? I don't think any of them had exp except the mankey (1 from a battle with res, and 2 others from some other battle that I think is currently on the third from last page (the meowth might've gotten 1 from that too); cba to dig the links up. if that means no exp then oh well). If this is way inconvenient then never mind, I can just start over. :B

    Mankey: 3 EXP
    Meowth: 1 EXP
    Baltoy: 2 EXP
    I've given away 3 leftovers and 1 lucky egg as presents. Before the zapping, I had 2 leftovers and 1 lucky egg in my items. After the zapping, I have 3 lucky eggs in my items and 1 lucky egg I've given away, plus 3 leftovers I've given away. If we pretend that I bought 3 leftovers and 4 lucky eggs instead of 2 leftovers and 5 lucky eggs, then I'm missing $5. I think.

    Although that's kind of troublesome, especially since the paperwork is all over the place. I just canceled one of the gifts that is a leftovers and you can zap that later. Thanks!
    So I'm pretty sure I had like $1880 after buying gifts and now I have $1251 what happen. :(

    (Also, thank you! Gonna check those out soonish. Eventually. Ayup.)
    feh, how do you manage to get commands three hours ago when I haven't even been able to find it since like eight this morning.

    but yeah, those should be correct, then.
    would you mind terribly if I sent in cottonee's commands for derpy, because it doesn't seem likely that it'll be around to send you the commands before midnight.
    Annnd I accidentally gave away one of my Leftovers That's Supposed to be a Lucky Egg. :P Oops. So now I have 2 leftovers that are supposed to be lucky eggs and a missing $5. I don't actually mind the $5 if it's too much effort to refund it.

    Sorry for all the spamming and thanks in advance!
    Um, not sure if this is the place to put this but, I bought 5 lucky eggs and 2 leftovers but received 5 leftovers and 2 lucky eggs. Here's a slightly chopped off screenshot for proof. Here's the post where I bought stuff in Kusari's Mart.

    I will be giving away 2 leftovers and 2 lucky eggs as presents, which should leave me with 3 lucky eggs after the gift giving season is over.
    Building on what MF said, would it be possible to actually look at all gifts except for their own? It would suck if you bought the Pokemon or item or whatever and gifted it, only to be notified too late that the person has already been gifted that thing.
    What happens when you gift berries that you already own, if they're already attached to a pokemon that's in a battle? If the pokemon that's holding that berry can't/doesn't use recycle and the berry is consumed, does that mean the present ceases to exist? If you do recycle the berry, does it get cloned?
    Um, I was wondering... I'd like to rejoin ASB as a ref. I quit because of a lack of time and stress in school and life, but I'm on break now and I've got my personal stuff and schedule under control. I did see there was some talk of changing the reffing system, so I was wondering if it was even possible for me to join.
    Oh, sorry. A while ago the main one just kept logging me out for no reason, so I just switched and never really thought about it too much. From five seconds of clicking it seems to have fixed itself, so I'll go back to that way now.
    In future exchanges, perhaps there could be a way for the gift-givers to know whether a given Pokémon or item that the giftee has wishlisted has already been provided by somebody else.
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