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  • Is this a current ruling? It seems contradictory to everything asb - specifically the entire idea that fly/dig/solarbeam/giga impact/etc. don't need charging actions?
    I'm a little confused by how bank transactions work.

    When I bought hurricane for my Butterfree, it cost $12, and I had $13 (according to my control panel and not including the money that hasn't been added from recent reffings). Now, I only have $1, but in the bank, I also deducted $12 from my earnings. It seems as if I might be double charging myself, or you have some system I am unaware of. Could you please clear things up for me? Also, I posted bids in the Black Market even though I have less than those amounts in my control panel thinking that I could subtract that money from my earnings. Is that wrong?
    Hey, when the first round between Grass King and I is reffed could you just let me know. I sorta forgot about the whole thing but it seems the first round hasn't been made yet.
    I am mildly confused: in the first post of the Black Market it looks like you listed two of the four combee I sold, but I still have all four of them in my possession--even the two you listed--and I don't think I ever got the $20 for them?
    Is there any system up currently through which a novice ref can get promoted, somewhat like the advanced/elite mocks? Or is it just through league activity?
    Yeah, it's always for the best for the big boss to try the system out before everybody else. How's the demand for these mock battles going, incidentally? From what you're saying, it sounds like there's plenty.

    Well, getting experience without using up a battle slot -- that's pretty much all the reward I need. These do give experience, right?
    Hm, I see.

    Since I've had to work with approving referees before, I definitely would go for a shot at this new system. Specially if there's an amount of rewards involved (this, too, I haven't seen anywhere).
    Yay, large dog Close Combat.

    Incidentally, I don't see this anywhere, so, how exactly does a high-ranking referee go about taking on a mock battle -- do they accept it in the Challenge Board, or do they arrange for it ahead of time?
    So, did you by any chance miss this completed battle? I'm rather eager to get my Arcanine.
    Not sure if I got the rare candy from Denryu? I had the money subtracted already (down almost $100, whoo!), and a later transaction in the black market was carried out (I no longer have Mai's Nidoking), but the candy's not in my inventory.
    So, the Metronome Contest is divided in three brackets, and it's been suggested that each one have separate threads. Do I get to do that?
    I don't mean to rush you, but you haven't forgotten about our battle, right?
    So no 1% extra damage if Khao uses a contact move? It actually is something I'd like to keep, but if it's too much trouble then I guess no can do.
    Wait uhm, sorry for not being clear, but I meant 2% if foes perform a contact move on him, and 1% if he performs a contact move on a foe, much like how Rough Skin works.
    Oh no, I meant that if Khao uses say, Tackle, will the target suffer 2% fire-type damage in addition to the damage tackle does?
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