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  • Hmm, pretty much half my class is playing FFTA2, but I'm not fond of the battle style at all.

    I think I'll give Golden Sun and the Ace Attorney games a spin, then. I've been planning to play the Ace Attorney games for a while now. Thanks!
    well, yeah. is only a problem for evolution things. my sneasel and other pokemon are also gonna be item-evolving when battles finish.
    no, i noticed it a few days ago, and mentioned it then... though i don't look at my stuff that often, so.
    I don't recall you saying that but you must have done it accidentally, because I certainly didn't do it. and my gastly's wise glasses are glitchy; they don't show up until you click on him, and they can't be removed. he was the only one still holding an item.
    okay your removing items from my entire team is actually serious because some of my team were involved in battles where their participation would grant them item-evolutions, for example my slowpoke and my clefairy. so when those battles end and you get annoyed at me for 'removing those items' it's your fault. :|
    Hey Negrek! After I finish up Ghost Trick I'll have a rather severe shortage of games to play on the DS, especially since I'm taking a break from breeding/EV training and I've finished Okamiden three times... do you have any other recommendations?
    Hey Negrek would you mind if, after Blazhy finishes playing Ghost Trick, she lends it to me to play and then I send it back to you?
    Hey, Negrek, I think you gave me twice the EXP I was supposed to get from the Daycare. Khionas and Lutchrium got 4 instead of 2.
    Pretend that didn't happen?! D: When I choke at the slightest mention of Ghost Trick and the possibility of there being good fanfics/oneshots/anythings about it?
    I've always toyed with the idea of creating a Mystery Dungeon-styled arena where pokemon have both of their abilities (and something to the effect of wide slash and vacuum cut), but other than that not really. Usually, I just create one for whenever I post a new challenge.
    Two vs. two or three vs. three for our battle, then? I... don't really have a preference either!

    (Oh, and I think I have some extra items. The miracle seed and big root were supposed to go to Kratos.)
    Hi! It's been a week in you vs. Anomaly 54 and while I doubt I'm supposed to be doing any actual DQing, here's a reminder in case you'd forgotten!
    So, technically, one doesn't have to spend an action actively recharging? Thus if one wants to combo on the second~third action (using the second/third actions, hitting on the third), that is possible, because one doesn't have to spend an action afterwards recharging?
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