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  • Oh, I think I must've misread as 1%, 2% if under blah blah blah.

    And I'm not sure if I understand that last line, sorry.
    Sorry to bother you again about signature stuff, but it's been brought to my attention that Khao's signature move isn't consistent. It says in the description that Flash Fire takes a round to activate when that is no longer the case, and the energy and duration fields are now incorrect as well.

    And it's a bit embarrassing to have to ask about my own signature move, but when it says "...any Pokemon that makes contact with him, friend or foe, will suffer 2% fire-type damage," does that include when Khao uses a contact move, himself? That seems a bit too much, though, so maybe 1% fire-type damage when he uses a contact move himself, effectively acting like a fire-typed Rough Skin?
    The overall structure is going to be changed, but overall, it'll be the same "make an appeal with randomized moves" deal, which I'm assuming means no substantial changes.
    So, would I still have to run the rules through you if I were to make another edition of the Metronome Contest?

    And for that matter, I'm not allowed to offer Dream World stuff as a prize for that, right?
    It might just be that my math is failing, but I think my ASB money just dropped a bit. I seem to recall having around 45, and now I have only 12.

    Also, I was wondering if I could get my Dratini. I posted in the PRO here, but I think you haven't gotten around to PRO stuff since that time.
    I have a quick Question: How do I know my current battle list? When I go to my Control Panel, it states that I am not active in any battles...Why is that?
    ... You want to see people going crazy over those? Did you see what res did with the triple battle? I guess you did discourage people from doing that by changing the system, but I can't help but feel that this'll lead to increase in those sorts of antics. In addition, it'll lead to an increase in quick battles - 1 vs 1's for experience, with no damage cap and arena damage. I know that this is made in an attempt to close the gap between veterans and newbies, but it seems a bit cruel.
    Oh hey, since metronome battles don't give experience anymore do they still count as taking a battle slot?
    One's figure drawing, one's portrait drawing, and one's a less academic thing where we just do a bunch of projects in different media for fun. I haven't even thought about specialization yet; I'm still exploring.

    He just said "draw Latias", which is nice because I can figure out something interesting myself.

    Thanks for Cay! Although help I'm drowning in Pokémon who've never been used.
    Good to hear. And I'm doing pretty well! I've gotten to the point where I can actually do stuff more often than once or twice a week. I've got several art courses lined up around town for the next few months, and getting out of the house more and feeling like I actually have a life will probably help a lot. Plus I started my first art commission a couple days ago and the fact that someone actually wants to pay real money for my art feels great.

    And yeah, reffing's gotten fun again. I'm still prone to stressing out and getting stuck in perfectionist mode, but I'm getting better at forcing myself out of that.
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