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  • Is there anywhere I can find the old evolution-based calculator? I sort of prefer that one and it's a bitch to do the math by hand, and Kratos' is giving me wacky energy numbers.
    My Mareep (now Flaaffy) should have received one more experience point from this battle, as he was treated to have knocked out Delphi the Abra, though no round was written (and Aethelstan's previous post had only said "2 exp.").
    Two more questions, actually:

    1)Does mental intrusion Psychic use up more energy or is weaker overall compared to a normal Psychic, or is it the same for power and energy cost?

    2)Can you order your pokemon to stop using a barrier like Safeguard or Light Screen early? If so, does it take up an action, and if does, does it take up an action for each barrier, or just 1 action to dispel all barriers at once?
    Can you encore a Pokemon into using Sleep Talk if it was just asleep?

    IE Pokemon A is put to sleep and uses Sleep Talk successfully. On the next action it wakes up, and Pokemon B uses Encore on it before it can use any other move. Would Pokemon A be encored into Sleep Talk, or would Encore fail?
    I know, its just... ouch. "Also makes you really uncomfortable even while you're chuckling" taken to the extreme
    "When their tusks break, they regrow slightly stronger than before; a common trick is to repeatedly take a hammer to them, in order to build up their strength for fighting. Some question the morality of this, but the Axew don't seem to mind any more than would anyone having a tooth pulled without anaesthetic; I personally don't see anything wrong with it."

    Has the writer ever had a tooth pulled out without anesthetic? :'(
    I recall that you mentioned a new EXP distribution system, which I assumed was for non-1v1s. I'm fairly close to finishing up a double battle, so could you tell me how EXP should be given out?
    Just now I thought I saw your avatar with meteors raining down, like in the Battle for Asber.

    I'm quite interested in reffing the second tournament battle in the 2009 League Championship if at all possible. I know I'm a novice and everything, but at least considering being put in as a back-up would be nice. Thanks (hopefully).
    Hey, when we send Christmas stuff to you, should we include gender, ability, etc. in addition to species for your convenience, even if we only have one of that species?
    Ah, yes. It's also full of fridge horror - "Furthermore, it is unlikely to evolve spontaneously – always a bonus [...]" made me cringe a bit.

    ... D: eep? I'm sorry?
    Oh, the prose does improve, but not until well into the story, maybe around chapter 15.

    "That's why you hear about people having hands cut off by Empoleon, or getting sick from Ariados poison. As I write this, I can see in the newspaper that a man in Croydon has been eaten by his own pet Luxray." 0_o
    It does look funny, though, and I'll probably get to reading it sometime soon. The other story looks kind of odd, which puts me off, but I suppose I should expect that from any recommendations by Negrek.
    Oh :(

    The fic does get significantly more dark and well-written later on, mainly because this is a character-driven story, but if you're unimpressed, then you're unimpressed. Did you read just the prologue, or did you actually read a couple of chapters?

    Also, did you receive my Gift Exchange PM?
    "Additionally, if you think you know of a good story that I haven't read, I'd love to hear about it... I'm always in search of good 'fics."

    If so, I recommend an excellent fic, Silver Resistance by ScytheRider. Best thing I've ever read on the Internet - no, scratch that. Best thing I've ever read, period. And I think you'd like it even more.
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