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  • Only now do I discover the thread about your trip to China.

    Re: Sanitary Standards: You obviously are too used to the comforts of hygiene here. I remember that when I went to China in 2004, I had to go, so my grandma dragged me to a washroom and paid a dollar to have me go.

    It was nothing more than a pit in the ground.

    I was, quite literally, scared shitless, and refused to go. My grandma eventually gave up on having me go and got a refund.

    Re: lines: For some reason, I didn't encounter the sort of wild bustling you did when I was in Beijing or Qingdao. In fact, there were lines painted on the pavement, and they were actually parallel to the street, and people didn't shove each other out of the way when trying to get on.

    Re: traffic: Getting off the plane for Qingdao, my dad hails down a taxi for his hometown. I sit in the back, with no seatbelts, while dad, in the front, puts the seatbelt on out of habit. He got dust all over himself. On the road, we nearly collide with a truck.

    On that note, during peak traffic hours, a three-lane highway becomes a five-lane highway.

    Re: food: Next time you go, have 水煮鱼 or 麻辣烫, if you didn't that time (四川 and 重庆 cuisine, respectively). Beware: quite spicy but totally worth it.

    Re: smog: Ah, I have an infection due to the poor air quality every time I go to China. Despite the fact that I was born there. And live in what might be the most heavily-polluted region in Canada (okay, in terms of water pollution, but still)

    Re: 中国话: I need to hear you perform this.

    Re: Horn: In Qingdao, came across a "Residential Area, No Honking" sign. Honking everywhere.

    Addendum: Do you find it scary that tap water here tastes better than bottled water in China? It got so bad that I threw up after I drank a sip of some French imitation or other.
    Hey Negrek! Blazhy said she'd be okay with it (since we've been planning a doubles match anyway), so can I fight her in the '09 tournament? I can issue commands quickly! Oh and I can also get my sends together... probably within an hour, because planning ahead is boring. :D

    :D :D :D?

    Kratos was taking over for Involuntary Twitch anyway.
    consider a battle format: commands are given for one action at a time; the referee's pay for each one-action reffing is one-half that for a normal full-round reffing (rounded somehow -- prefer up or down?); each set of three actions counts as a round.

    would something to this effect be permissible at all, and/or what changes would be needed to make it a valid challenge?
    1. When setting up a battle thread, how do you determine which player sends out first and which player posts attacks first?

    The player who snds first is random, and the other one posts attacks fist.

    2. A pokémon that is holding a lum berry is paralyzed. Does it need to be told to use its berry?


    3. In the scenario above, how many actions does it take to eat the lum berry?

    It doesn't take an action.

    4. How much less damage does a burned pokémon deal with physical attacks than it would without the burn?


    5. Two pokémon are fighting in an enclosed warehouse arena. One of them uses rain dance. What happens?

    It doesn't work.

    6. A pokémon is commanded to make a 15% substitute. How much health and/or energy must it sacrifice in order to complete the attack?

    15% health and 8% energy.

    7. How much more damage does a porygon-z with adaptibility do with its hyper beam than a porygon-z with an attack boost from download?


    8. What is the base power of body slam when used by a luxray against a caterpie?


    9. When you (hopefully!) become a novice referee, how much money will you make for emergency reffing one round of a double battle in which all four pokémon were still in play?


    10. If a pokémon has a safeguard in place, what happens if another pokémon uses swagger on it?

    It doesn't work, but the pokemon gets +2 attack.

    11. If a pokémon has its held item stolen with thief over the course of the battle, which trainer owns the item at the battle's end, the one that has the pokémon that use thief, or the one with the pokémon that was stolen from?

    the one that has the pokémon that use thief.

    12. How long does a post in the absence sheet protect a person from being DQ'd?

    A month.

    13. A pokémon uses protect, then endure. How likely is endure to work?


    14. If a pokémon holding a king's rock uses flamethrower on an opponent, is it possible for the attack to cause the target to flinch?


    15. What is the accuracy of a surf attack used against a pokémon with five double team clones?

    The clones don't matter.
    Well, I was lucky enough to find the TMs for both. Wide slash is this thing that hits enemies three spaces around, and vacuum cut hits all opponents for 18 damage. Not quite sure how they would work in ASB, but. Also, speed is pretty weird in PMD. In the interests of speed boosts not breaking anything, I figured speed would automatically go to the person who attacks first.

    Also, what do you think of Mist-Rise Forest, Turtleshell Pond, Poison Swamp, Peanut Swamp, or Darkness Ridge being the arena? They could all come with their own effect chances, actually.

    Everyone hates their own writing! It's perfectly fine, neggy. Also,
    was a very close approximation of how I felt about the ending at first.
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