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  • Well, I guess that wasn't the thing holding up the bank, haha. I claimed $11 at the same time as I gave out that $135, though, so I'm pretty sure I should have $11 left, not $0. (EDIT: $14 now, after allowance.) I don't have any plans for those $11 but I figured I might as well ask! You never know.

    Anyway, hi! How've you been doing? What have you been up to while you were away from the Internet for a month-ish? I spent a few weeks stressing over my portfolio for art school, then went to Toronto and presented it and got accepted, and now I'm somehow finding ways to stress out over that, in particular going oh god how do I find somewhere to live. Centennial College has a separate art campus half an hour away from the main campus, and the residence is at the main campus, and looking for roommates sounds... not that hard actually but my brain disagrees, apparently.
    Hi! I noticed the bank isn't getting updated—is that because I gave six people money and only a couple of them have claimed it? I can go poke the others. (Although I guess I should either way if they're not noticing they've got money waiting for them...)
    Hi there, Negrek! I dunno if you're the right person to contact, but this transaction still hasn't gone through, and I dunno what to do.

    Also, I have a battle idea that's a wee bit different from the standard ones out there, might I pm it to you for your approval before I go posting it? Thanks, and sorry for the bother!
    Hey Neg, how do you evolve a pokemon that evolves through trade? Can they evolve before they have their set exp? Like, say, haunter?
    Would it be possible for a shuckle to have an attribute involving making rare candies?

    Let's say going two battles without using their berry, and it condenses into a candy. It would be one battle as a normal berry (would it activate with just an oran? any?), one as berry juice (doubling effectiveness, I would assume, but I suppose it could be unusable or something), and then by the end of the berry juice battle it would turn into a candy. It could also be three battles, or something; I'm not sure of the possible drawbacks, or if it even needs a huge one. After all, this just encourages hoarding and paranoia about pluck/bug bite in-battle, and I don't see a huge drawback to your attribute.

    I hope this wasn't asked before; I figured it wouldn't, because only you and Kratos own a shuckle in the first place. (I don't, either... but I will eventually! There are a lot of pokemon I plan to own that I hold back on actually buying to save cash.)

    Also, I know I couldn't handle this myself (and it apparently wasn't a business to begin with), but what's up with the Asber Exploration Agency? It looks like it would have been amazingly fun to try out.
    ... Could the Daycare be fixed/nerfed some more, or is the whole concept of the thing broken to the point that it will never be approved?

    I was just ignoring the issue for a while, but I would like to have a business and the Daycare is quite useful.
    Oh, I didn't expect paralysis/confusion to be good strategy in the Tower; the rates of being fully paralyzed/hurting itself in confusion are just some of the most common things people claim to be fudged in the computer's favor, so bringing Pokémon that could easily induce them would get me more data on that in particular. I picked the HG/SS Battle Tower because it's the one I've seen the most complaints about; most of what I've seen of people discussing the Subway in this light is claiming it's much better about it than the HG/SS Battle Tower, although I still suspect that's all so subjective as to be meaningless.

    In my testing so far, I've been noting down i) when paralyzed opposing Pokémon are fully paralyzed and when they aren't, ii) when confused opposing Pokémon hurt themselves and when they don't, iii) when opposing Pokémon hit with less-than-100%-accurate moves and when they don't, and iv) when opposing Pokémon's attacks activate secondary effects, given they could activate in the first place, and when they don't. I figured it wasn't necessary to be completely comprehensive; if the computer isn't fudging any of that, it seems sufficiently unlikely it would just happen that the only things it does fudge are some other probability-based effects, and the presence of confirmation bias in most reports of Battle Tower luck would be nicely demonstrated. More is always better, though, if you can be bothered to collect it and account for all the possible moves/abilities/items that could further mess with the probabilities.
    I must have given you my FC wrong. I'll go get it now.

    Do you have 2967 2505 7723?
    Have you seen any actual, concrete data on it? I thought somebody had to have bothered to test it properly at some point, but when I asked on Smogon nobody appeared to know of anything of the sort, and the fact despite this everyone is going around insisting they know it's rigged is driving me nuts. If it really is and there's real data behind it and not just videos of individual battles where the computer is stupidly lucky, I can go home happy.

    Though at this stage I'm starting to bump into the fact I don't actually have a Battle Tower team; at the start I just pulled out three random in-game Pokémon that were vaguely handy for this sort of testing due to knowing paralysis/confusion-inducing moves. Silly EV training, needing effort.
    Sorry, I completely missed you.

    If you can't trade this weekend, I should be available for most of next weekend.
    Sure. I can trade Friday night, probably Saturday morning, or Sunday afternoon or night in my time (GMT-4). Do any of these work for you?
    Hi! You've got a fourty-eight hour DQ warning in your battle against Anomaly 54.
    Hey Negrek.

    Just saying you shouldn't take the blame for the awful turn of events - it went wrong because of the players only. The write-up was amazing, the concept was great - it really was a good idea (on paper).

    I just wish people will be more honest the next time something alike rolls by. Meanwhile, take it cool and rest assured you did what had to be done.

    Good day, and thanks for everything.
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