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  • Truth be told: I have restarted the start date on it so many time it was getting old. I have it for about 2-3 years. The 2 other members besides myself I sort of asked to join in the past 2 weeks, to make it seem a bit more.
    I am sorry about the mix-up with my forum. I should've went ahead and asked you about it again.
    I was mostly being impressed by the rendering, actually, given it's a fan-created HTML/Javascript in-browser application that visualizes battles better than the actual game. I saw it in Pokémon Showdown and was blown away by that only to find out the replay player had been around doing the same thing for a year now while completely escaping my notice.

    But I wasn't aware of the Vs. Player either, and that's pretty awesome - I could never be bothered with Pokécheck since it required mucking about with the DS's Wi-Fi settings, so being able to get the same information from battle videos is handy.
    do you think you might have done anything to inadvertently break the part of the username-changing hack that shows previous names? because butterfree said she didn't touch it and you were fiddling with your asb hack, so.
    Virgil and Yomiel are such bros, you don't even know.

    Cool pic! also am not surprised Clover was the one who started that blog btw
    Ah, right, the one by the person who does the cool fic art. I forgot I'd meant to check that out. Thanks for the link!
    The Spriter's Resource managed to get them up remarkably quickly, yeah. So many ridiculous out of context characters, so little time...

    Eh, I may not have brought it up that time, but I thought I had mentioned it at least once. Ah, well.

    By the way, a while back you mentioned a fanfic you were reading—what was that, out of curiosity?
    If you're trying to avoid BW2 spoilers/info/etc. like you mostly did for BW, I'd be surprised if you had seen it (bar as someone else's avatar or something). Not that it spoils anything other than the fact that Kyouhei in a powder-blue prince's costume shaking his fist in defiance of evil witches is adoooorable. It's a "cutscene" from a Pokéwood movie, more or less. Most of my avatars across the internet are slowly turning into Pokéwood cutscenes, actually, because I'm having a hard time deciding which is the most ridiculous.

    ...okay there is one that is definitively more ridiculous than Adorable Indignant Magical Prince Kyouhei, that being his costar in the same movie, but I thought I'd try something deliberately cute and see if people stop saying I'm terrifying. ;-;

    I was six when we moved, and I think my brother was like two months old, so that was clearly a brilliant idea. (And I will! ;-; see now I remember I have told you this at least once before because I also remember you saying that already. :p)

    Mostly I prefer autumn thanks to the temperature, but the scenery of the season change being spectacular certainly does not hurt my opinion of it!
    Hm. Well, rectify that when you get the chance! I'd start with TACC when you have the time, as iirc the archives are currently shorter and a lot of the strips are actually (obscenely adorable) gag strips, so the plot's pretty easy to catch up on.

    I was born there. Could've sworn I've mentioned that before. :P Ayup, I am a New Yorker at heart and was brought here against my will, and come hell or high water I shall return! Unless I can find that perpetual autumn place!
    Pfff screw generals, just get it anyway. Aren't you dying to know the secret of this very intimidating foofy powder blue uniform? :p

    Never heard of The Abominable Charles Christopher? Really? Vattu is a bit more obscure afaik, but I know there are quite a few people on TCoD who've mentioned TACC before, at least. Huh. Regardless, yes, you should check them out, and probably also Rice Boy and Order of Tales (also by Vattu's author and set in the same world) if you end up liking Vattu and/or could go in for some surreal fantasy worldbuilding stuff.

    Eh, probably. Moot point now, of course. I'll just have to be satisfied sitting here with three fans pointed directly at me for the next week or so.

    No, not really. I want to go back to New York eventually, though that has less to do with the weather and more to do with I just prefer it and miss living there. Or, failing that, maybe find someplace trapped in perpetual autumn.
    With ASB being shut down, are you still wanting to finish your tournament battle? Normally I would assume you wouldn't want to, but considering you're apparently continuing your match with Zhorken...
    W2 isn't my LP, actually. :p Haven't technically started playing that game because I needed to puzzle out that "interesting spin" to put on it while writing; there's still some undecided stuff, but I think I've been stalling long enough and need to just dive in and see where I can go from there. Ideally I'll have the prologue up before I head back to school, but knowing me I wouldn't hold my breath.

    But yes, I have been enjoying W2. New music is cool, some nice new conveniences and surprises, and Pokéwood/PokéStar Studios is my new favorite thing ever and I wish I could understand the movies (or why some of them have German/Italian titles but whatever!) because I'm dying to know how much cornier they are in context.

    Most recent unnecessary comic binges were Vattu and The Abominable Charles Christopher. I was already caught up well before then, but I'd flipped back a few pages to check on things I'd forgotten and next thing I knew whoops I'd re-read the whole archive and it was 7 am. Also responsible for a few "oops it's 7 am"s were the wiki for the world Vattu is set in and a wiki for a game called Star Control II/The Ur-Quan Masters, which I need to try really hard not to download and start because dammit backlog.

    Eh, not so sure there'd have been much relief from the heat up in NY. It wasn't too bad while we were there last year, no, but they get some pretty nasty heatwaves up there themselves. Haven't checked to see if they're having one now, of course, but still.

    yeah see summer is probably my least favorite season. I don't do well in extreme heat or cold, but even given my poor hands I'd overall rather be cold than hot.

    Busy busy! Sounds like a lot of fun, though.
    No, nothing like that, although given the backlog of games I have to get through (and then White 2 and the LPficwhatever and why did I think it was a good idea to order Conquest in the middle of all this again?), I think spending every waking moment on something like that would've constituted progress, frankly. :p Did spend several nights on archive binges of comics I've already read and wikis for one of those comics/another game, though, so there is that waste of time I can feel proud of/be horribly horribly ashamed of!

    It was pretty good! I was expecting a bit more acrobatics than there were, but what they had was nice and the special effects were pretty awesome. Kind of o.O'd at the pole dance immediately following Smooth Criminal, but yes, an overall enjoyable experience. No trip to New York (unless that was supposed to happen in July? but then I'll miss it anyway thanks to school), but nice as a visit would've been I think I ultimately would've preferred downtime at home anyway, so no big deal.

    Really? No air conditioned summers at all? How exactly do you manage that? :/

    Eesh, I don't think I ever had it that bad with homework. Not without making it that bad for myself, anyway. Glad to hear it's been relatively easygoing, though!

    Where else will you be going this summer, then?
    I don't know that I'm necessarily a strict chaos muppet either; I just saw the phrase "chaos muppet" and had to have it immediately, no matter the cost. (Apparently there is also an actual muppet named Chaos? but it's on like Canadian Sesame Street or something else I assume no one pays attention to so meh.)

    Goin' all right. Still have a week left, but I have some stuff to start doing that week so it's not all free time. Didn't get quite as far with the Big Obnoxious Project as I'd have liked, either (or do a bunch of other stuff bluh bluh bluh whining etc.), and it's been over 100 degrees the past couple of days so I'm legit melting, buuuut at least it's been quiet and relaxing, had a chance to download some new albums and play a little White 2. Finally saw that Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil show tonight as well, so that was pretty nice.

    ...oh yes I should probably warn you we have no air conditioning. :/ Hopefully it stops being 100+ degrees by the time you get here!

    How's your... well, technically you're having even less of a break than I am, but how's it treating you?
    Umm... with ASB being suspended, would you like your battle with Zhorken reffed in the meantime?
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