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  • *____* how is next chapter the epilogue what are you doing to me negrek you are a cruel human being gngng. also unrelevant but i'm curious what levels tobias's pokemons are at??? >_>

    also i'm currently reading the ninetales' curse. u____u gengar
    totally unmoved like didn't even like it?? because the empty child is amazing and i think that might have even scared me 9_9 gas masks are freaky ok uhg. and that kid is freaky as hell.

    well i like downer endings when they make sense. and you can add an epilogue. :o maybe.

    i can only find really similar style rps... and they're all boring. :\ sigh and i always want to just yell at them about all the things they're doing wrong haha which is not helpful.
    the doctor who episode, blink? I can't remember if I really found it scary the first go around, or if I just really loved the writing/concept... I don't tend to find tv very scary, ever, haha... but there's definitely something wrong with kratos that's why it's pretty u__u

    why won't people like it ?????? ;______; is it all a dream what is all a dream are you going to do that do they all ende up dead >| what are you doing gapfosign I AM SO REREADING IT I've reread it multiple times too because of the long wait between chapters sometimes I need to reremember things that's a word. weh.

    yeah all other rps seem to work really weird. limiting moves, no real plot and what you do doesn't affect other players, no violence, exp works weird, characterization of pokemon is strange... idk... 9_9 sigh. i love rping but i hate modding haha that's fair right. :[
    omg there's really just one chapter left??? esgs eep WRITE FASTER e_______ee sgsfhah. I should start rereading it ... hmmn. also yes I am a sort of fast arter... I think... idk I guess I think I just get /into it/ and don't stop and stuff idk.

    sure you can use it!! there's also the igneous drawing I did a while ago if you want a less spoilery one...

    kutho was amazing and super awesome to rp 9__9 i loved how you could have a beedrill kick people's asses wehhh. i wish i could travel back in time and re-rp. sob.
    n____________n sob omg are you serious I'm crying sfgpsingadfhg you don't know how many gladfeels Clouded Sky gives me, seriously it's like huge sentimental feelings and also it's like, the best pokemon fic and sobsdogndfsh. 9_9 i hope you don't mind if i make a huge fanart piece of it ok ok ok ok okgdfsahfh. (ALSO it reminds me of when kutho was an rp haha remember those days because the way you write attacks and pokemon is the same, ~real~ you know, like in kutho so it's like. yes i like this yes good e____e fsdf.)
    Ah, heh. Never did get around to seeing for myself if they had any of the pokémon I liked. :P And what does it say about you, eh?
    Hey. Negrek. If a link like this is clicked, some (League Pokedex, League Stats) of the ASB control panel is still available. Is that deliberate?
    :D Grazie! I am in rather a lot of pain from standing all day, but boy am I glad I never have to do homework ever again ever.
    incidentally, even if your english language files vanished, can you not change your language to C and try to work from there?
    I think it started when Firefox was having issues with an addon that started locking up all of the Windows side and somehow managed to cause other problems that a simple misbehaving addon had no business causing. (If I had to guess, it probably locked up all the things at a point when something else important was going on in the background, so when I had no choice but to hard reboot... yeah.) Mint was actually fine for the most part, but then I managed to screw that up myself while trying everything I could to fix Windows. I've since wasted the better part of two, maybe three days reinstalling both due to other errors and screwups on top of that, which was lots of fun. Everything seems to be mostly back to normal now, though, and luckily my files were fine because I keep those on yet another partition and could still back them up before I effed up Linux, so I'm dealing with it.

    Wow, that's... a really weird problem. Are the Chinese files somehow (amusingly) all that's left, or were there other non-English languages and you just went with Chinese because that's the next one you were comfortable with? (Either way, if you want and if you bring a flash drive with you or something, you could get the files while you're here if that'd help. If that's even a thing you can do, considering I haven't messed with that stuff. I would assume so, right?)

    Ahaha, TWEWY sequel. That would be awesome! Hopefully not anything that requires understanding all the secret reports because whoops still haven't gotten around to finding and reading those yet!

    Oh well fine, if you're going to make me. >|
    More or less done, yeah. Been having trouble putting the finishing touches on everything the past few days, though, since my computer decided to spiral into near-total failure and I had to reinstall both operating systems. :/ Only just managed to get everything back to semi-normal last night.
    y u still have asb tab???

    (also, y no more rayquaza? jolteon is pretty too, but the rayquaza thing was cool!)
    Quick random question: when you were coming up with the "Liberation" setting, around when were you picturing it having happened in relation to canon? (If you thought about that at all?)
    Thank you. Though plans will be on hold until I can straighten out my computer problems.
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