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  • I followed a link from somewhere (probably Fandomsecrets but possibly not). I've done this several times and every time I end up wiki walking a bit just to marvel at the utter incomprehensibility.
    You are my hero.

    (Though surely every field of science is full of deliciously passive-aggressive research papers.)
    Ouch. :/ Glad that it seems to be... mostly okay, though! Wish I had such a glamorous excuse for this second lapse in wordcount, but I've mostly just been distracted oops.

    Nah, I know you were teasing; way I see what happened it's more like it was "encouragement" to work on the idea I already wanted to, but then I spent an unfortunate amount of time worrying about said idea after said encouragement. No harm done, anyway.
    With all your grinch talk. >| (Also I meant "earlier" when I said "current", oops.) But I suppose I can forgive you since I did want to work on something else (/in addition to that) anyway.

    Mm, that'd make sense. Mildly amusing seeing as I got neither of those from TVTropes, heh, but I suppose it can't know that.
    Hey, man, it was legitimate and constructive stalling okay :( And might I add legitimate and constructive stalling undertaken because someone made me feel self-conscious about my current plans, so. >|

    Gracias for the recs, and sorry if it was any trouble to add the fake fic. :p Might not have been totally necessary, even, seeing as I think your and Butterfree's lists combined have just about all of those. :P Think I actually have one or two of those in my to-read bookmarks folder, but if the magic rec machine says I should check the rest out then I will attempt to do so!

    Does the script actually weight the recs based on TVTropes recs, then? Huh. That's interesting!
    then plot /its/ downfall by dyeing it all the time! >D haha hair you can't get the best of me.
    aw :[ there's so much to do with hair it's so fun it's like its own toy!!

    well that's good we exchange entertainment forms :D as long as you keep writing i'll keep drawing ok.
    you should do it u_u green is good for you.

    thank you!! :D my art is getting so boring sob.
    That's good news! I'll have to play around with it some later. (Apparently entirely with other people's accounts, since I missed that part about having to have posted fiction to FFN. y u do this to me.)

    By the way: these are possibly relevant to your interests.
    After brief investigation I'm going to guess that the problem is the two links—two or more links tend to trigger the spam filter, iirc. (I was wondering if the problem might be related to the reason it hasn't consistently been emailing me when people comment even if the comment goes through, but I guess not... and now I seem to be getting the emails just fine. Huh.) Your comments wound up in my spam queue, anyway, so I can just approve one of them and I think it won't stop you from posting links anymore. Not sure why it didn't send the comments to the moderation queue first, though... bah, technology.

    Anyway! Yeah, it really is a shame she took it down. From her FFN profile:

    "I've taken Mentor down; since I"m not continuing it, I don't see the point of keeping it up. Sorry if you liked my fic, but it's best if it becomes forgotten."

    Good to see that it does still exist on PC, at least for now. Dunno if I'll add it to the rec list, though; feels sort of weird to tell people to go read something the author says she'd rather people forget. :/ Eh.

    I didn't know about that earlier fic, though, so that's a cool find! I'll have to read it later. After a brief skim it looks like she actually took some of what was going to happen there and changed it to fit Mentor later. Might be kind of neat to see what those characters/events were originally going to be like.

    It worries me, though, because good god the story is like three hundred words and took all of ten minutes tops to (hopefully) fix. The fact that I procrastinated on those very simple tweaks for eighteen months is distressing.
    hrm so there's only one giant blue penis dragon, huh. sad.

    So, what's the next fic you're gonna be posting? :D
    Awww nutmeg you're a bad boy >D I bet your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

    So like dialga?? Skarmortar sounds like a magmortar evo (ironic cause of Igenous). Probably neither of those existed when you made it up... What does it look like?? (I be a giant blue penis right.)
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