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  • You're welcome! Really interesting fics being almost completely overlooked is sad. (I'm still bitter about Foregone Conclusion.)

    I still have to find time to properly review chapter four. Hoping to get it done for our birthday.
    Oh, thanks for the suggestion! I'd actually heard of that author before but I wasn't sure if he was worth checking out. That's a good sign if he got a thumbs up from you, so I'll be sure to have a look for him in the Kindle store.
    is it actually a human :[ negrek you're a terrible person. :[ :[ :[

    but i've never thought you'd pass an exam that you thought you'd fail and then you failed it! right! that never happened. so clearly that means... you're going to pass.
    wait it's not a pokemon what ?_? how is it using attacks then is it a robot what are you doing is it a digimon

    well you'll probably pass. surely you thought you wouldn't pass exams before and you passed right. that's how you're at this exam. u_u and then you're done and you can marry rich and all of it was for nothing!!!!
    it is a pokemon though... right... ~_~

    yep, it's sneaky that way eheh. might be necessary in the future if i change my url again. :p i have gotten some really cool ones so it's tempting...

    well i must add to your worries because i also assume you will do well. mostly because you always do well and i have no idea what any of your exams are about even if you explained them to me. >__> can you retake it if you don't do well?
    9___9 arhgg is it even a ghost????

    oh i see what's going on - i still use pathopathology so you didn't realize it's not my main blog anymore haha. it links to my main blog though, which is here. unless you weren't confused?? i'm still gonna post art on tumblr, that doesn't stress me out for some reason...
    ?___? reallly??? is it a yamask...? sob you're so terrible.

    i'm okay i guess idk? i think i just get tired of posting my stuff on tumblr ... it feels like a cycle of 'weh i'm sad' and people try comforting me (maybe) and it either helps or doesn't but it's only temporary until i'm sad again. also it takes me tons of energy just to post my feelings/thoughts; mostly i'm just so avoidant that if i don't think or write about it it's like it's not happening. :| sigh.
    I would like to be able to do that sort of search too, heh. For now it's just manual checking and counting via the normal MW search, unfortunately, but maybe someday I will unlazy just enough to make such a database for myself, at least.
    I did get your message, albeit belatedly because how do I Google Talk (and also how do I new phone). I tried to reply to it on said phone but I don't think it went through, so:

    I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "database", now I think about it; do you mean like a SQL database or similar, or just a collection of information? Because since I'm using MediaWiki the Phoenixdex's info is stored in a database, but only as whole wiki pages rather than in tables optimized for pokémon-related data. (I have been toying on and off with the idea of ripping off veekun I mean messing with something similar to veekun, but the lazies, you know.) As for the information, there isn't a whole lot that isn't already visible; most of what's hidden from public view is only hidden because it's unfinished and I don't like revealing half-done pokemans.
    I realized the reason you didn't post your new fic was because I only subscribed to Clouded Sky. e_e weee hopefully I figured out that subscribing thing wehehe

    so more polphades eh? honestly I like it more in this fic than previously, it's really show how varied they can be ... the strange pokemon/human-ness of it?? interesting. and doesn't seem as purely hell-bent, which is also interesting. but I think the most interesting part is that it doesn't seem to realize that it ISN'T actually the person it takes? like it seems to build its identity around that ... identity that it takes. if it does realize, it doesn't seem to see it from the other person/pokemon's perspective. so I'm looking forward to the interactions between it and Titan and them influencing each other's perspective. :D
    R I have used and actually kind of enjoyed. :D

    I think you are going to have to unpack "using automata to quantify genome rearrangement patterns" for me. Mostly the automata bit, because I suspect what I am imagining is slightly off.
    So far I have avoided having to use MATLAB in my academic career. Is it as annoying as I am led to believe?

    What are you doing for postgrad, anyway? I realised I am not aware of your academic inclinations beyond a vague and possibly misleading feeling that you're in some sort of molecular field.
    I am in the last year of my undergraduate degree. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. :D Possibly become a palaeontologist. Or go into evo-devo. Most likely I will hang around Cambridge another year doing an MSci in history and philosophy of science, because it's fun and I have no better ideas. It is my hope that a year off from biology will reveal all the secrets of my future, possibly in the form of a philosophical epiphany.

    Oh, absolutely creepy. Earth AU is a very apt way of putting it.

    Is the Creation Museum Ken Ham? Because, oh man, Ken Ham.
    I've just spent my evening reading creation science papers. It is incredibly surreal. Some excerpts:

    "Since the Cenozoic was deposited after the Flood..."

    "First, the extinct human taxa are entirely post-Flood (Snelling 2009, chap. 94; Whitmore and Garner 2008; Wise 2005). They do not represent pre-Flood populations buried during the Flood. Wise (1994; 2008) noted that the account of the Tower of Babel implies that humans distributed globally after the animals. This suggests that human fossils should occur stratigraphically higher than at least some ape fossils (such as australopiths)."

    And the bits in between all sound kind of reasonable! It is deeply, deeply strange.

    (I assure you I'm not doing this for pleasure.)
    I am! One day I'm gonna read through more of his books, preferably when I figure out how to not have headaches. >_>
    I have started reading it! Then I hit a part where apparently there was some Flash thing with sound and because I have a massive aversion to doing anything that plays sound unless I happen to be completely alone where no one else has to be subjected to whatever nonsense I'm listening to, I sort of left off there. I still have the tab somewhere in the middle of my other six hundred tabs.
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