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  • Hm... brief scan through the list of images shows that I have, in fact, either shown you or posted someplace all but one of those images (with one possible exception); some of them were posted places you wouldn't necessarily have thought to look, though, or else they were on DexGenesis and are long gone. The only one I know I haven't posted/shown you I did show you an earlier version of, though, so... yeah I think I might know which one you're talking about but if you haven't already seen it then that just means you weren't very observant when it was around! ;)

    Hm... not what the docs say, but then I'm not all that familiar with Pyramid/Pylons and so maybe it would be fine or it could survive on an older version or something. I did think of Heroku, though the database looks awfully big and I think might exceed the free starter database limit. Assuming that the page is talking about "10000 rows" as opposed to 10kb worth of rows or some other vague unlikely possibility.

    They're similar reasons, providing we are talking about the same thing, but I'd be surprised if you'd had occasion to think about it before.

    And haha, nope. That'd be interesting, and honestly the kind of fangame I'd be more interested in at the moment wouldn't require those anyway, but noooope. You may cease frothing now.

    Definitely not anything like this! I thought maybe you were writing some kind of fanfic or something, haha.
    I think it was actually supposed to be crystal or something? Pretty sure the guy retyped it to be rock. It was neon MSPaint sky blue, anyway. Best part was he only took one from the evolution line and then made it the final stage of two things he made up, or at least I hope he made them up because the art was awful and why on earth would you steal those from someone, and I still don't understand why he didn't just go whole hog and take the entire line. I mean, come on, you're already stealing anyway because you presumably like my ideas/art better than yours... why not just take all of them and keep it consistent?

    I dunno, I think every time I've had something stolen it's been amusing on some level, but that one. Ha.

    Oh, the images? That all? Feh, I've probably already shown you most of those; of the ones you haven't seen before a lot are probably outdated, or close to ready for release anyway but I've been lazybusy. :) Maybe there are some others that aren't coming to mind, eh. I was thinking your arcane robot majicks had revealed the contents of some of the locked down pages, although that would have been more mortifying than anything because most of that is all but literally "okay so idfk what happens next here [placeholder name] blah blah blah this is outdated [placeholder] BUT HEY WHAT IF I [nonsensical idea here]" and you would lose whatever tenuous respect you had for me. D: I am the least coherent and organized, you see.

    I'm using HawkHost. They do have Python and I can use the command line, but the version is 2.4.3 so... idk. And I know, right? :/ Granted I technically have a bit more incentive to learn Ruby than Python atm anyway, and I didn't choose this host with any immediate plans to use either, but still, it's a bit of a letdown.

    I suppose that's true, although the reasons I was thinking of today probably aren't the reasons you're thinking of. Hell if those reasons don't need it more than I... than the... other... reasons... do.
    Mad? Nah, I mean it's not like you're adding them to your own fake region or coloring them like they're made of glass for some reason (maaan I wish I'd saved a copy of that before dA took it down, idek what was going on there). Maybe I'm mad about the spoilers, though. >|

    I would love to use it, but I don't think my current hosting plays too nicely with big ol' Python frameworks, sadly; at the very least they're "unsupported", so it'd probably take a bit of extra configuration and fiddling and installing libraries I'm not sure I'd be allowed to install to set up Pyramid and spline and whatnot. Likely not impossible! but I'm not optimistic. :/ I'd either have to find someplace else to put it, just take the data and make a new site in PHP or learn Rails/Ramaze/Sinatra/something (which I've been tempted to do but laaaazy), or just be content to leave it on my own computer as a personal resource. Honestly I'm not sure how many other people would be curious about that level of extra detail anyway. :p

    Seriously though it's creepy how you show me this right as I'm entertaining ideas about it for reasons.
    Sooooo... baaasically I'm having difficulty putting into words how awesome that is. Like. I'm trying to get my head around all the effort you must have put into this? And it's not working. Especially given I'd just taken a look at veekun's raw database snapshot earlier today on a whim and thought to myself "hot damn adding something to that without whatever scripts Eevee uses to rip data would be a pita". Please tell me you had... something that made getting all that together not hellish for you?

    That is amazing and you are an amazing person for doing that and. And. I don't. ?????
    asdfghjkl ugh. Thanks.

    I'm afraid my obvious detector is on the fritz lately; I suppose I've got my suspicions now, but up until you said that I honestly didn't have an idea. But hey, it's more fun that way! Surprises and all that. (Whatever it is, hopefully the change I just made to the TM list doesn't break it, haha.)

    It's not bad! Some things I like better than other CMSes I've used, some things not quite so much. (argleblargle multiple types of permalink structures arg.) Certainly less hassle than the Drupal system they currently have appears to be. I haven't quite gotten to the level of messing around with its guts that I'd like, but I get the impression that I know more than enough for whatever my apparent part in the revamp will be.
    Hah, I don't mean to rush you. Whatever it is I'm sure it's worth the wait!

    I'm looking forward to being able to do something less boring soon, yeah. I'm still not clear on exactly what my role will be in all that, though the person I'm working under seemed intrigued when I said I'd worked with WordPress before, so hopefully that means something...? And thanks!
    Then does that mean that we'll be seeing the end result sometime soon, hmm?

    At a company called Little Pink Book, which is an email newsletter/collection of resources for career women. Right now all I've been doing is simple stuff like gathering images for the emails or hunting for broken links, but they're going to be switching CMSes soon and redesigning the whole site so presumably I'll be fairly involved in that when it finally goes down.

    And thank you! I'm kind of surprised it turned out as well as it did, haha.
    "Thanks"? Oh, I'm sorry, was my mistake interfering with your data collection? :P

    :( Are you at least doing anything interesting or fun with it in the midst of the angst?

    Working at an internship right now, actually! Haven't really gotten around to anything super interesting yet (and also I am bad at waking up at a reasonable hour and so am half-asleep through most of the morning hours, best employee), but it should be getting there soon. Aaand there's at least one other actual job I'm applying for that also seems like it might be cool! I'm kind of hoping I'll be able to both take this job and keep the internship until it ends in May, though I'm pretty sure it's full-time Real Job Hours and so isn't likely, haha.
    Hm, no, it isn't; those must have been missed somehow. Thanks for catching that.

    Meanwhile, how've you been lately?
    I just noticed that you're the only person that still has an ASB tab...

    This question has probably been asked a million times before, but do you have any idea on if and when ASB'll come back?
    I keep staring at it going like 'I want the things' but shipping is too much for me to get them. So I just keep adding things to my wishlist. For some reason.
    is it... a computer... help you're a monster is it a human raised by pokemon or vice versa ?_?
    is it an anthro pokemon born from a pokemon/human relationship :| :| :| :| :| :| :| :| what are you doing
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