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  • I probably won't have anything until Monday afternoon/night or so due to things being due. Even if I finish the app early I won't be playing. But since it's exam period I'll probably have a respectable amount of activity, because I always make good choices.

    I don't have a preference re: thread.
    s'ok i still do that too haha vm's are really annoying sometimes.

    bronzor/ong are super cool! i just usually go with ralts because they're one of my favourites. but bronzor'd probably be one of rudy's favourites, so it definitely fits more.

    uhmmm idk ... maybe ask it how long it'll take?? i guess we could start and it could join up? idk e_e
    you posted on your own profile :p pats. absol and aero are both perfect for my character (and his character haha who is just an amped-up him) so i am super happy. i had to stretch a bit for bronzor because i was gonna go with ralts but realized ... i did not want a pokemon reading his emotions omg or sometimes lack-there-of sdgdfg. but i really wanted a psychic so. bronzor actually rather fits him.

    i don't have anything in mind yet! i do know i don't want to start the thread though. >_> ahaha sorry i just get timid in new places omg. i'm not picky about how we start since it's the beginning and we can like, get a flow going!
    :D Looks like fuuuuuun~ And man I was so tempted by aerodactyl (or, you know, absol <3) but didn't think it would make a ton of sense for the character. Probably I'll cave and go looking to catch one later, heh.

    Do you want to do a kind of quest-like thing or just kind of fool around with a more open RP for a bit? I don't have any particular quests in mind at the moment, but I'll probably think some up over dinner. I also invited Kusari and Kratos... not sure when they'll get the message or if they'll be interested in playing when they do, but figured I'd mention it in case you'd want to wait for them or anything.
    i finished mine :D i want to draw hannibal now haha and i'm so happy i get to have an aerodactyl you have no idea. i always have an aerodactyl in my dreams.
    Dunno, his comment about how there would be lots of birds because of a certain person who would know who they were made me think he was just getting into them... but anyway, since he said the person would know who they were, I guess it wasn't you after all!

    Haha, no worries. Take your time... and yeah, there's lots of info threads to plow through, there.
    what kratos has always loved bords! at least i thought so?? i have had a bit of a burst of bord-obsession lately i admit i mean just look at this tumblr and try not to be come obsessed, i dare you. it's. impossible. 9_9

    god i... will have to read through that in a bit because my eyes are botherwise and i want to get my sign-up sheet done haha... reading all the info on the website kinda wore me out =_= sdgfds.
    i know *u* i literally want to just draw them all day omg especially when looking through reference material on google haha they're just... so... cute?? auhg i want one as a pet haha...

    alright!! i think i'll probably use a modified rudy for the rp then? i've been wanting to rp with him for a while c: i'll write up the profile and you can tell me when you're starting (actually tell me when you sign up cause i don't want to sign up way before we start haha...)
    *u* thank you re: bonfire!! i'm really glad i get to draw fennecs again because i totally lost interest in whivit haha.

    re: rp! it's modless, right? so do you have a certain idea of what you want to do? i'm totally willing, i'm just wondering if you're going more in the direction of a story in which case i'd want a character that assists that more, or just general rp.
    If I had any idea about the details of the wedding, sure. :p Unfortunately no one's told me anything and apparently no one's told anyone else in my household all that much, either. Realistically most of my not-wedding time will still be spent either at the airport or doing non-wedding family things anyway, so I'll probably be getting most of the work done on the plane, if at all.
    And therein lies the problem. If it were up to me no one would've said anything, and there'd be nothing for you to see and hence be going mad(der) over, and the fact that I have the attention span of a tennis ball wouldn't appear to be dragging anything down, but noooo, transparency and community involvement and not understanding that I have the attention span of a tennis ball and all that other dreck. :P

    Maybe you should talk to one of the people who told you that bold-faced lie, then! I may be slow and attention-deficit but at least I try to stick to my guns when it comes to not making major public promises! Just call me Ozymandias, man, I'm not monologuing about my plans until thirty-five minutes after I've finished 'em.

    I suppose I could throw you a bone... just this once, since you were kind enough to steal a whole veekun for me as a gift and all... but I can't say when it'll actually be released as I legitimately technically don't know. As for what I have left to do, well, we'll just have to see what I can get through this weekend while I'm up in New York for a wedding. ;)
    Two months? Two... ahahahahaha... ahah... aha ha. Come now. You know me well enough to know that nothing I do ever happens when I say it will. There's a reason I never tell anyone about anything major in detail anymore. ;)
    Hm. Well, interesting to see that something else doubles/VGC has sprung up, anyway, since Skarmbliss itself appears to be MIA.

    That is, in fact, why the AI worked that way. And wait... never mind. I was remembering something else we'd talked about offhand and the stairs joke came into it, but it wasn't about stairs in and of itself. Whoops.

    That's because they're already competitive and made the pretendy made-up mons for a competitive metagame!

    There will be people to not care about using my fakes competitively when it's time for there to be people to not care about using my fakes competitively and not a moment before. >|
    There are third-party servers, yeah, and the CAP pokémon do in fact work and iirc are just used in a CAP playtest tier on the regular Smogon/Showdown server (see also this screenshot of the error I ran into on one of the rare occasions that I was able to login and connect to my test server); it's just that when you enter the data for your own pokémon or customizations they don't actually show up, and there's currently no way to specify that you need it to look somewhere else for the images and such. Whatever you try to add is just not there, not selectable in the teambuilder or anything. Unless I messed up somehow and something else was preventing it from recognizing my invisible osgrave, idk.

    (where did this Nugget Bridge place even come from btw, I'd never heard of it before and now all of a sudden everyone is linking to it and what.)

    Hm, maybe. And yeah, it does kind of suck that no one seems to consider open-sourcing what they do try or letting people fork it off Github or something. There was this one guy years ago who was making a game in Sphere, and Sphere's language is literally just JavaScript; I almost wish he'd release parts of what he'd already done since the project appears to be long dead, because that would be like the perfect thing to link into a battle system ganked from Showdown. :( Although I think he might've had at least most of a battle system anyway...? Most of the information on it seems to be missing so I can't check, but even so.

    I guess it wouldn't be too bad when you put it that way—I was thinking it would at least be possible to do a completely random "wild" AI, if nothing else, or maybe the trainer AI from Gen I where they were all "super-effective move go go go no I don't care if that move is agility spam it nao". Eh. I guess it would depend on how complex you wanted it to be, yeah. (That sounds cool, though! As does the FRLG hack, or whatever you end up doing with it when you get around to it. :) Will there be stairs?)

    I said competitively, you're not paying attention. >| Who even bothers with sims if they're not playing competitively? I mean idk, maybe I'm wrong, and if it were advertised as casualish then maybe, but... ??? Why bother when there'd be the tower thing, etc.?
    Oh, no, they've had physical/special for a while; there's a config option to turn it on and off, actually. They may or may not have upgraded the timing for things like sandstorm by now; it'd just be more of a footnote for most people (because far and away the majority of people making fangames likely won't even know that caring about timing is a thing, let alone care which gen is being emulated) and so it wouldn't be as prominent in the upgrade notes. Also it may have been fixed long enough ago that I would have to be not lazy to go find it in the changelog. Eh.

    The number of times I've dreamed about writing something different, only for that to be immediately shot down by the fear of having to do stuff like recreate the battle AI, haha. I have actually toyed with the idea of using Showdown as a base for a game, but while I did know it was open source (and in fact tried unsuccessfully to set up a test server on Heroku... damn thing almost never connected) I think it's still at the point where everything is running through Showdown's own server, using Showdown's media, etc.. Custom pokémon and things are on the roadmap but I don't think they work yet. I never got any of my customizations to show up the few times a connection actually happened, anyway. It'll be a while before that's really feasible for people who want to use fakemon, seems like.

    Also adding new pokémon and moves and stuff to PO is terrifying; there are supposed to be some tools that make that slightly easier, but still. Uuugh. Showdown's format for absolutely everything is a million times simpler but on the other hand it doesn't work yet while adding stuff to PO does. :/ Bah.

    I'm not all that surprised that people haven't tried to make proper fangames using either sim as a base, though. Most people who get started with fangames wouldn't like all the from-scratch work needed to add real main series-style interface/controls/functionality or be willing to learn enough JS/C++/whatever to customize what's already there; not sure why the people who already know those or would be all right learning them haven't considered it other than they probably just don't want to reinvent the wheel when Essentials is right there. (Also you'd still have to make an AI unless you could find a way to get Fred or Technical Machine or something working with it without you having to start it up and tell it "fight this person"... hilarious though some casual player picking up your game and getting stomped by a Technical Machine–powered Youngster Joey would be.)

    I would be okay with the idea of a more general battling server if I had a reliable way to keep it up and actually thought that more than five people would care about playing competitively with some random person's weird fakemon. :p
    Thanks! :)

    They've... kind of moved to fifth-gen mechanics? They've implemented a decent number of abilities and moves and some items from fifth gen, at least. I think at least some stuff is still technically using third/fourth-gen timing or what have you, and they actually don't even have everything from fourth gen, either... I'll probably have to add magic guard myself, for example, although at least that one should be more tedious than it is difficult to implement. Still, they've come a long way considering the official/majority community stance used to be "update it to the next gen yourself". I remember the last time there was supposed to be a group effort to bring it up to Gen IV, it was actually a semi-closed project that game makers couldn't use unless they either contributed or did something or other to prove they weren't newbies who couldn't write any scripts themselves. Which... I guess you can do that? But it was a silly thing to withhold from the community imo, even if in theory it would've cut down on the number of overambitious people who started something without having the skills or dedication to see it through.
    Whichever is easiest for you!

    It is nice that it's moving along, although unfortunately the one thing I really wish was working (the Factory) is still borken as far as I know. On the plus side, though, they are actually getting somewhere with attack animations, haha. Hopefully when I finally have time for the thing again it'll be simple enough to get it back to where it was and then expand from there.
    No, the one (or ones, I guess) I'm thinking of should be much older, easily circa 2009 or something; I was saying the newer one you would likely have recognized because it should've looked similar to one you've seen. (And you'll have to what?)

    Ah, I thought veekun used Pyramid specifically. Maybe it would work out after all, hm. And yeah, ha, the Conquest stuff at the very least can go. But don't feel bad! It's an awesome gift and I definitely would like to try and get it online at some point somehow; it's just a matter of whether it happens sooner rather than later. (And if nothing else, I don't think I can count on the "for reasons" version to run on Python anything anyway, even if the one for personal use/other reasons could; I would still probably need to do something with PHP for that one, so it's not like it's an either or thing. Aaaaand setting up the framework and templates myself from scratch in any of the three languages is experience, right? I wouldn't mind.) So really I'm just thinking it'd be for the best for now to have it on my computer, fiddle with it for a while, and then when I figure out whatever needs figuring out I can actually put something online.

    And I'd assumed you'd gone ahead and set it up with Postgres since I think that's what veekun itself is doing; yeah, the sqlite would make it a little easier in that regard.

    No, the IFF would be something different; really, I'm talking about more of a revamp/something to the "battle tower game" from a long time ago. I kinda want to get it updated and working properly again. (That's what some of those sketches in December were for.) Haven't had time to really do much more with it lately, though. But yeah, that wouldn't require stuff like egg steps because you wouldn't be hatching anything and I can just fudge it and leave it at bulbasaur's or something. That error page sounds pretty cool, though! I found a little HTML5 CYOA framework a little while ago that looked kinda fun; maybe they have it hooked up to something like that.

    Hah, I remember you mentioning that before.
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